something awful this way comes

Oct 23, 2011 13:58

Who: Anyone. Multiple threads!
When: Sunday, Octorber 23rd to Thursday, October 27th
Where: The Clinic
Format: Action! Prose! Words!
What: The fighting from the Island is going to spill over to Anatole. Some people may become injured. Some people may be in the Clinic to help out.
Warnings: There might be some violence mentioned.
Notes: PortkeysRead more... )

simon tam, sansa stark, -event: beyond the seas, daenerys targaryen, !eventlog, dawn summers

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24th? bedsidemanners October 24 2011, 21:08:34 UTC
[Raphael, possibly for the first time in awhile, is actually earning his keep. The only real expenses, thus far, have been his sleep schedule, his overused astral powers, and what remains of his good humor.]

[Healings that had cost him little even six hours ago were beginning to drag him towards exhaustion. The patients seem about as endless now as they were during the wars in heaven. Right now he's in the middle of tugging open yet another window, drawing what energy he can from the wind it brings. Might not be enough for anyone's full recovery, but he's willing to work with what he's getting.]

[He turns around.]

I'm a bit busy right now. What is it?


24th? girl_unlocking October 31 2011, 01:10:48 UTC
The portkeys. You know, the ones that Tonks set up? Do you know if they work on animals?

[The scratch on her cheek isn't even a concern. More blood (most of it dried) than the wound would seem to warrant, though.]


bedsidemanners October 31 2011, 01:15:37 UTC
I have no idea.

[Curter than he quite means to be, and he clears his throat in what might almost be an apology.] Look, don't worry about them. You need to take care of that cut first.


girl_unlocking November 2 2011, 00:24:43 UTC

Shit. I mean---


Miss Kitty. I tossed her into the one that looked like---

---it was supposed to take her here right?

[Tch. Curt is rolling off her lately. Too many linefaces and broodymen and jerks.]

O-oh? I'll be fine. It'll just...

...oh no. Did I get elf-juiced? I thought it was the glass from the spell, but...


bedsidemanners November 2 2011, 02:26:07 UTC
You'll have to talk to Lupin about that one. And elf-juiced? [That takes him a minute, blinking.] You mean it deactivated your powers?


girl_unlocking November 2 2011, 23:11:43 UTC


...I dunno. Oh! Oh! I know. Punch me. Like in the arm or something.


bedsidemanners November 3 2011, 02:21:18 UTC
.... I'm not sure you want me to punch you in the arm.


girl_unlocking November 3 2011, 12:21:47 UTC
You're right. That's probably not a good immediate indicator of...

[Holding her arms out with a completely straight face.]

I should try to lift you. Can I try?


bedsidemanners November 8 2011, 05:21:24 UTC
[and a grin that makes it painfully obvious he's not taking her too seriously]

You can try. I never refuse a lady.


girl_unlocking November 9 2011, 02:42:22 UTC

[Trying to get a grip that's ...acquaintance appropriate. Takes a bit of maneuvering, but she manages eventually. Aaaaand when she hefts? Yeah, no. He;s going nowhere. She huffs a breath, frowns.]

Elf juice. Dammit.


bedsidemanners November 9 2011, 03:27:11 UTC
You're saying you could do that normally. [a slightly awkward pause, so much for his usual underestimation]

... So would you like me to fix that cut, at least?


girl_unlocking November 12 2011, 02:57:38 UTC
Well, not normally for here, anyway. Which means...

...yeah. I have a feeling it's not going to be super speedy in skedaddling. And - ow - it hurts really bad when I touch it.

[Maybe she should ...not touch it then.]

Am I gonna need stitches?


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