something awful this way comes

Oct 23, 2011 13:58

Who: Anyone. Multiple threads!
When: Sunday, Octorber 23rd to Thursday, October 27th
Where: The Clinic
Format: Action! Prose! Words!
What: The fighting from the Island is going to spill over to Anatole. Some people may become injured. Some people may be in the Clinic to help out.
Warnings: There might be some violence mentioned.
Notes: PortkeysRead more... )

simon tam, sansa stark, -event: beyond the seas, daenerys targaryen, !eventlog, dawn summers

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23rd-24thish? isherarmor October 23 2011, 18:24:32 UTC
[Silently winding the length of a bandage around the arm of a middle-aged woman. Saving all her fearful glances toward the windows until she's finished - until what small comfort she can give has bled out in strained smiles and whispered prayers to gods that may or may not listen.]


\o/ mothertodragons October 25 2011, 10:32:22 UTC
[Daenerys leans over an injured man for one moment, and in the next he stands upright again, the white-blue flames of her healing magic flickering and dying in the palm of her hand. She pauses to wipe her brow... and then catches of glimpse of the young stark girl.]

[With a small, polite smile, she nods her head in greeting.]

Lady Sansa.


\\o// isherarmor October 26 2011, 00:48:19 UTC
[Dropping a slight curtsy, and the words are out before she's even thought. Fear has stolen a good portion of her wits.]

Your Gra---

[Now she does stop, lowers her eyes out of embarrassment and starts again.]


[Another glance toward the outside. Uncertain.]

I'm afraid I am a poor substitute next to you, my lady. I am glad that you're here. Everyone is so afraid. Your presence does much to calm them.


*\o/* mothertodragons October 28 2011, 02:44:48 UTC
[Such a gentle young lady. Not so much younger than Dany herself, really.]

People draw their reactions from the reactions of those around them. Particularly those in a position of influence - healers. Leaders. If you show your fear, they will also be afraid.

If you show no fear, they will believe all is not lost.


isherarmor November 3 2011, 00:10:38 UTC
[She nods solemnly, her eyes no longer on the window, but on Daenerys. A little breath and a small smile.]

Thank you. You remind me that I must show courage at all times - one never knows who is looking on.

I do not believe that all is lost, truly. I ...have hope when I thought I might never hope again, and here is strength in that hope.

But I am not without fear. That's Arya. She's the fearless one.


mothertodragons November 3 2011, 08:41:02 UTC
It isn't a matter of feeling no fear, Sansa. It is a matter of showing the world your strongest face.

Sometimes, you will quiver until your insides are like water, and you'll think that... a wave will make your tide rise until it spills. But it will not.

And the more you show that face, the more it becomes your face.


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