[OPEN] Isley & You!

Sep 28, 2011 23:13

Who: swordofthenorth and anyone else who feels like joining!
When: September 28, beginning at noon and going onward
Where: Isley's Home-Training Hall
Format: Individual threads please, in your choice of action or prose
What: Chatter, the clash of swords, and whatever else may follow
Warnings: None at present

The training hall was as long as it was wide, and open to the public from noon until nightfall. )

priscilla, roxanne, irene, yachiru kusajishi, isley, dawn summers

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/gate crashes!!! yetsleeping October 1 2011, 00:05:19 UTC
[She arrives late into the afternoon, having completed her work early, for once. With her, she carries her sword - more from habit than anything else - and the clothes on her back (white leather, today - almost like the foundation pieces of her armor... but just a little off).]

[Truth be told, she's not even certain whether she came to train or observe. But in either case, she lingers by the door, watching the people, and watching the room itself.]

[She's seen it before, of course, having been a visitor to Isley's home before he opened it to the public. Even so, it's different now - perhaps it's the occupation, or the atmosphere.]

[She leans against the door, silent and observant.]


GDI, THOSE DON'T COME CHEAP YOU KNOW. swordofthenorth October 1 2011, 01:32:51 UTC
[The hall is filled with the sounds of wood and steel ringing off one another, with the smell of hard work, leathers, and burning wood from the fireplace.]

[Since the hall opened to the public early that afternoon, Isley has been instructing and watching those who have come to train. Unlike them, however, not one hair is out of place upon his head. His clothes are unwrinkled, the same as they were when he put them on first thing that morning.]

[As always, Priscilla's yoki is suppressed. Nevertheless, Isley is aware of her when she enters. Her presence, at least for him, is unmistakable. It is a lure that pulls him away from the task at hand and toward her.]

[He notices her sword and the white leather, but above all else, he notices the silent air about her, and the reflective look in her silvery eyes.]

Priscilla, I should not be surprised by your being here...but I am. You look as though you have something on your mind.


FFF WHO NEEDS GATES, I MEAN REALLY. yetsleeping October 1 2011, 11:50:06 UTC
[Isley comes to her - that's no surprise. Nor is his immaculate appearance especially throwing - after all, who here could make him break a sweat?]

[Priscilla smiles a little, just at the edges of her lips, and leans her head back against the wall, looking over his shoulder more than at him - her gaze lingering on the people there.]

I always have things on my mind.

[With that, she snaps her gaze to his face.]

It's different here, now. I don't mean bad, just different. The atmosphere... the air... It's lively.

And opening your home like this? It's very generous.

[Which makes her suspicious. So she gives him a little look, one eyebrow raised, half a tease and half genuine skepticism. If nothing else, experience has taught her that, with Isley, it's always appropriate to look for the ulterior motive.]


WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT NEED? THEY LOOK PRETTY. swordofthenorth October 2 2011, 21:56:22 UTC
[Isley folds his arms across his chest, his own head tilting back, gaze falling over his shoulder, following Priscilla's.]

Is it?

I find that I enjoy the presence of such activity in my home. The scents, the sounds...

[Finally he looks back toward her, and the set of his jaw is firm, the line of his mouth almost tight.]

This property is expansive. The absence of the living is notable. I find that, on a day when many have come to train, even into the long and late hours of the evening after they have all gone again...these halls do not feel so empty.


SHE WILL KNOCK DOWN ALL THE GATES EVER yetsleeping October 4 2011, 08:11:21 UTC
[Priscilla raises her eyebrow, just a little, and taps her heel against the wall.]

I thought you liked being alone.

[A joke... or a tease. Mostly.]


AND SHE SAYS *HE'S* DESTRUCTIVE, SHEESH swordofthenorth October 4 2011, 17:58:40 UTC
Did you? Then you thought wrong.

[What is she playing at? He wonders, but comes up with no immediate answers.]

I am not like Luciela and Riful. I have always surrounded myself with others.

Yes...there are times when enjoy my solitude, but there are times for us all like those.


THE GATES HAVE TO GO! THEYR'E... OFFENSIVE! yetsleeping October 6 2011, 01:36:51 UTC
[She laughs a little, quietly, and nods.]

I know.

[Priscilla pushes away from the wall, and stretches her arms in front of her.]

I like it! The noise and the... busy, and... well, all of it, really. [And she does. She just wonders about his motivations.]

[Of course, she's always wondering about his motivations.]

...you haven't even broken a sweat, have you?


THIS FACE :| FOREVER swordofthenorth October 10 2011, 04:15:15 UTC
I haven't.

[There is little in Anatole that challenges Isley physically. He has instead challenged Time by occupying as much of it as he can in a single day.]

That isn't to say I haven't had any interesting encounters, some of which I would never have anticipated.

[His arms unfold and he moves closer toward her, hands folding about hers. Public displays of affection between them are minimal to non-existent. For all his want to embrace her, this small gesture will suffice.]

I'm glad you came.


/squeezes his cheeks! yetsleeping October 11 2011, 08:21:34 UTC
[Her fingers turn a bit, brushing against the edges of his hands.]

...I'm glad I did, too.

And! I'm glad you did this. [She thinks.] ...even if a lack of, um, sweating?

[Wait, that doesn't sound right.]

Not that you should sweat. Or that it's... bad if you... do?


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