[CLOSED] Isley & Priscilla

Sep 04, 2011 13:38

Who: swordofthenorth and yetsleeping
When: Sunday, September 4th, Morning
Where: Isley’s home, East Anatole
Format: Paragraph
What: It’s an emergency! With paint...?
Warnings: A colorful mess is bound to ensue. I'd drop a Pocahontas "Colors of the Wind" pun here but I'm sure someone would smack me for it.

. . . to paint away the warmth with winter. )

priscilla, isley

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yetsleeping September 4 2011, 20:21:29 UTC
Isley called it an emergency (not quite in so many words, she knows, but close enough - an urgent matter. Close enough.), and all Priscilla could think as she wound her way through the streets of Anatole was, what could be urgent to him? That question, lingering in her head, running through her like a broken recording, was made all the more insistent by the lack of yoki spiking - his or anyone else's. Not an attack, then... at least not a pressing one, which meant not an urgent one, which meant ( ... )


swordofthenorth September 7 2011, 00:43:00 UTC
Unabashed laughter erupted from Isley as Priscilla’s fists hammered against his chest. The outrage upon her face was striking, but the flutter of her porcelain hands against him had to stop. He relinquished the paintbrush he was holding in favor of scooping Priscilla up into his arms for that reason. Before it had even hit the ground with a clatter, her feet were off the floor and Isley was wearing a triumphant smile like a badge of victory.

“My dear, don’t look so betrayed. This matter is truly urgent.” He swung her about so that she could better see the paints from where they stood, not far from the open doors. “You must understand that I could not wait to see you, Priscilla, and that these paints, open as they are, must be put to immediate use or else they will dry ( ... )


/isn't posting this at 8am. Nope. yetsleeping September 7 2011, 12:01:18 UTC
Unexpected turn of events! Priscilla blinked twice as Isley lifted her, and another time as he swung her. ...that definitely fell into the category of things she didn't normally experience. She swung her feet a bit, wiggling them slightly too, as she looked over the open containers.

The pale whites and blues, they all reminded her of snow drifts. The colors of the North, and the colors of Isley himself, standing under moonlight, or even under the sun on those wintry days of mist and pale blue skies. And she would have done something else - asked a question, maybe, or kicked him in the shin (at least that would be consistent with her initial impulse) - but instead she stops talking, stops swinging her feet, stops breathing for a moment, lost inside that kissHer reaction, unlike the rest of the encounter so far, was not unexpected. By the time their lips parted, she was nearly smiling ( ... )


/stares at disapprovingly swordofthenorth September 13 2011, 01:24:25 UTC
“I could have said as much,” agreed Isley, his smile impish. “Although, that would have made things a lot less interesting, don’t you think so ( ... )


/shines halo yetsleeping September 13 2011, 04:39:15 UTC
Not an artist was, to some degree at least, an understatement. Oh, Priscilla had made some strides in this area - Rapunzel had taught her a bit here and there about various arts in exchange for lessons in swordplay. And she had learned a tiny bit in training as a child and adolescent as well -- in case she needed to go undercover as an artist of some kind. But, in the end, she knew only bits and pieces. Little ideas and theories. She hadn't much put them into practice. She'd never had the time ( ... )


If I ever take this long to tag again you have permission to whip me. :| swordofthenorth September 26 2011, 23:57:00 UTC
“Don’t think,” answered Isley with a smile. “Just paint ( ... )


/CRACKS WHIP yetsleeping September 28 2011, 03:33:35 UTC
Don't think. Priscilla closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind of chatter - all of her ifs and buts and maybes. All of her questions, except for one: What did she see when she thinks of the North?

...first, she saw the snow. In her memory, it always swowed, every moment, and the drifts were always growing higher. And the moonlight (the moon... so it must be night) shimmered like silver across the icy surface of the snow, on the rooftops, on the evergreens. And in the sky... the purple streaked clouds wrapped around the glittering stars, casting shadows across the moon ( ... )


/JUMPS swordofthenorth September 28 2011, 18:32:13 UTC
“You were always watching when you were not off wandering,” said Isley.

Using circular motions, sweeping strokes to blend the paint outward, to utilize the natural dark tones of the wall, Isley applied the pale blue to his canvas. It gave the appearance of shadows moving beneath fresh ice, water in the midst of freezing and yet still flowing.

The colors that he was choosing were lighter than Priscilla’s were. Although the nights were longer, clearer in his memory, Isley remembered the days more fondly, more frequently.

He could recall Priscilla’s body tangled in the bed sheets as she slept, Raki next to her with eyes wide as he awoke. The sun always shone through the windows brightly in the morning. It washed over the pair of them, and she would stir in the warmth, limbs wrapping about the nearest body. Often he would stand in the doorway and observe them. He would smile at them, and for several long moments, it appeared neither knew he was there. And that was how it was, how it had beenDaytime also brought sword training ( ... )


/STALKS YOU WITH IT yetsleeping September 29 2011, 10:28:37 UTC
Priscilla watched him, the way she always did- the slowing of his brush, and then the stop. Her own hand slowed as well, though it remained in motion, at least, sweeping through drifts, small and large, sketched out on the wall in her mind's eye, fueled by her memories ( ... )


sdfkhf hope this is okay! swordofthenorth October 4 2011, 17:04:25 UTC
A flicker of a smile touched his lips.

“Change is constant; the cycle of life revolves around that truth just as all things do. Why, even in death there is change.” It was in Anatole that he had first spoken those words to her. Since then, Isley had spoken them many times over. Was it was because he believed he was speaking truth, or because he was trying to convince himself? He had never bothered to find out the answer to that question ( ... )


IT'S BEAUTIFUL YOU CRAZY PERSON! yetsleeping October 6 2011, 04:17:39 UTC
Priscilla's hands grew still again as she watched the world come alive under his. She watched his face, too - that smile, blossoming and fading out. The paint on his wall glittered in the light, and she listened to his voice, and his words. Death, she decided, was a change too. Yes, she could agree to that, and she would, if he hadn't moved on to Raki ( ... )


NO UR CRAZY swordofthenorth October 10 2011, 21:00:05 UTC
Familiar things?

Isley pondered for a brief moment what might have been familiar to Priscilla at that time; the south was one possibility of many.

"It drew you in," he repeated with a nod. Like a moth to the flame, or maybe more like a spider to a fly. No, not that, either. Raki was greater than a mere fly. Even if they had first met him when he had been small and seemingly insignificant, the boy had incontestable passion and potential. Isley had taken to him for those reasons, and because...something in Raki reminded Isley of himself.

"Well, I suppose he drew me in as well. I also saw...familiar things in him."

And he had wanted to shape those things, to make sure that not one went to waste. He helped Raki hone his skills, strengthen his mind and his body. Before long, he wasn't just a simple human in their midst. Raki had become, at least in Isley's mind, family. Or as much of one as he could ever hope to have ( ... )


WAT NO, U yetsleeping October 11 2011, 10:58:32 UTC
Priscilla smiled a little, watching him ponder. Wondering what was in his head.

It was probably not terribly mysterious. Reminisces, looking back to the time they had spent together with that boy. For Isley, the memory would be molding, it would be family. It would be watching Raki grow and become all the warrior he could be without becoming a hybrid, too. Human, but nearly as strong as a low-ranked soldier. And as skilled as a top-ranked one. That, she knew, was Isley's doing - his mark on Raki's life ( ... )


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