(no subject)

Aug 22, 2011 20:01

Who: swordofthenorth & applelimber
When: Tonight
Where: The Foxhole
Format: Action
What: Isley makes good on his promise to visit her fine establishment.
Warnings: Let's hope not! (It would be sure to be violence.)

[It's rare for the Foxhole to be closed during what normally passes for its busiest hours. But that's exactly what the sign says. Hopefully everyone got their fill over of it over the weekend anyway.]

[Helen wasn't entirely sure of Isley's intentions, and though she doesn't think he'd do anything too to bad with Priscilla apt to hear about it, she's still taking no chances involving innocents. So he'll only have the pleasure of her company tonight. Hers and Rooster's.]

[He had mentioned strawberries, more than once, and she wonders if he's taken an appreciation to the fruit as well. She snorts at the thought of it, dubious. No way she's gonna believe an abyssal's gone fruititarian or whatever Priscilla is. But she does have a bowl of them on the bar, next to a bowl of apples apples for herself. Helen crunches down into one now. What can she say, the thought of Isley in her bar just makes her want to bite something.]

helen, isley

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