
Aug 19, 2011 16:45

Who: Anyone!
When: Friday, August 19th-Sunday, August 21st
Where: The Foxhole
Format: Whatever you prefer. Tag yourself in, mingle and go nuts. Might wanna specify which night threads take place, open or closed, that sort of thing.
What: HAPPY HOUR. or...unhappy hour, idk.
Warnings: TBD

How does Anatole not have its own branch of AA yet... )

xerxes break, shirley, trevor belmont, deneve, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, buffy summers, nymphadora tonks

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[open, Friday night, underage alien ahoy] moarnomsplz August 20 2011, 05:02:17 UTC
[Ax is very curious about this happy human hour, linguistic expression though it may be. He is also curious about the place where he hopes to become gainfully employed. It is his duty to contribute to the cost of housing for himself and his brother, after all.

He would probably not admit to an additional motivation, that of rebelling. Just a little.

He approaches the bar, and looks around at the humans here to see what the procedure is.]


Re: [open, Friday night, underage alien ahoy] applelimber August 20 2011, 19:22:08 UTC
Oi, kid!

[Helen really should stop calling him that, especially if he's going to be around the place more. But at least it's better that 'pet'?

Helen grins and hops across the bar before coming over to where he is.]

Glad ya could make it. I thought you might end up being sent to your room for talking to me or something.


moarnomsplz August 21 2011, 02:21:06 UTC
Elfangor is my prince, but I do not believe, leeve, his authority over me extends to being-ing able to confine me to quarters. Not in this world, at en-ee, any, rate.

[Ax also might not have told his brother he was going out to see what this human happy hour entailed.]

I have considered, sih-durd, your question about cinnamon bun-zuh, and I think I could reproduce a satisfactory, fack-toh-ree, version.

[He says this with all the seriousness the topic deserves.]


applelimber August 21 2011, 23:05:24 UTC
Ha. That's music to my ears. I'm always on the look-out for something new.

[Which is one of the things that makes Helen...Helen. The fact that she eats far more than she needs to, lets alcohol influence her when her body could take care of that too.

She goes behind the bar, tosses a few things aside before finding a piece of paper...a missing poster or something. The city's full of them.]

Have a seat. We'll go over what we need for them and then talk about your pay.


moarnomsplz August 23 2011, 04:34:28 UTC
They are very delicious, lish-uss.

[And he misses them quite a bit, possibly because it is easier to miss something he could conceivably recreate here than to miss Tobias, Prince Jake, Cassie, and everyone else.

Ax does not consider bending his human body in half to sit entirely strange anymore, and though the bar stool does make him wonder how it is supposed to work for a moment, he figures it out.]

Yes. Human money would be nice to have. It is the reason I require a job.


applelimber August 24 2011, 02:13:22 UTC

[Helen looks up at him again, eyebrows shooting up.]

You're not in a tight spot, are ya kid? I could advance you a week's pay. You've got an honest face.

[She smirks.]

And if I'm wrong, it might be fun to hunt you down.

[She's kidding. Honest.]

Hey, I'm guessing cinnamon buns have cinnamon in them, huh?


moarnomsplz August 25 2011, 23:19:25 UTC
I think the spot I am in is satisfactorily roo, roomy for now. But soon, I will have to pay rent.

[He believes he is becoming more skilled at the strange and metaphorical way humans tend to speak, though he is not sure what makes his face especially honest. If anything, it is dishonest, because it is not his at all.]

Yes, there is a lot of cinnamon, nuh-munn, in them. It is the source of their deliciousness, ness. I am certain there is also flour.


applelimber August 26 2011, 00:26:58 UTC
You know what?

[Helen comes to a decision and reaches underneath the bar, placing a small pouch on top of it. It jingles softly. Ivories, the currency of this world.]

Take that. Buy whatever the hell we need for this deliciousness. And keep the change for your trouble.

[The bar is modest and Helen herself isn't anything fancy, but she makes a fairly good living with few living expenses.]


moarnomsplz August 26 2011, 05:23:46 UTC
[Ax picks up the small bag and nods, accepting the challenge and the awesome responsibility.

Obviously, this will require much experimentation, and the consumption of any attempts that are less than perfect.]

Thank you.

What other duties will I be perform-ing for your ess, establishment?


applelimber August 27 2011, 19:50:20 UTC
Opening bottles, wiping tables, that sort of thing.

[Helen grins. No problem, right?]

Oh yeah, and keeping people from busting up the place when they've had one too many.


moarnomsplz August 28 2011, 23:45:37 UTC
I am very good at clearing-ing tables!

[He will attempt to remember not to become overzealous about it.]

If it is ness, necessary for maintaining-ing order, I may have to morph to my real bod-ee. It is much more useful for such purr, purposes.

[He is aware that this is likely to make humans irrationally panic, but considers that it might be a good thing, if said humans are already causing trouble.]


applelimber August 30 2011, 13:34:52 UTC
Hey, as long as your real body doesn't bring the roof down and give you a taste for human guts, I'm fine with it.

[She grins at him. Sadly, she's not making that up.]

A little trouble's good for business.

[Which goes for fighting and him making people panic.]


moarnomsplz September 1 2011, 03:38:28 UTC
I am not even that fond of consuming-ing animal... guts. Hamburgers are not ham, and hot dogs are not dogs. It is all very suspicious, shuss, if you ask me.

I do not understand how trouble could be good for biz, business.


applelimber September 5 2011, 02:09:52 UTC
Yeah, when you put it that way...

[Considering the events of late, Helen might swear off meat for awhile herself.]

It's free entertainment.

[She grins at that.]

No one likes things to be too boring, ya know?


moarnomsplz September 6 2011, 02:35:53 UTC
[Ax considers this for a moment.]

I see your point, poin-tuh. My people's computer game-zuh are coding-ing puzz, puzzles. Human video games involve much more violence, len-suh, and I must admit they are much more enjoy, joy-a-bull.


thenobledie August 21 2011, 15:09:40 UTC
[ remember this ginger? shirley doesn't remember him, not quite (and how could she! he looks very different now.), but he feels familiar. so she tilts her head and considers him from her place at the bar. ]

Quite young, aren't you?


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