[Open] Elvish Camp Log.

Aug 12, 2011 02:21

Who: Anyone marked for dinner by the elves.
When: August 12th - 13th
Where: The Elvish Camp, in the far mist.
Format: Setup is Action. As for the rest, do what you like.
What: Welcome to Mist Camp. For lunch we're having... you.

[You don't feel right. This much is evident from the moment you open your eyes - you're weak, and you're groggy, and you're locked inside a wooden cage. And maybe this shouldn't be dangerous, not to you - your strength, or your powers, they should save you... if you have them. But reach inside yourself and you'll find an empty reservoir where your power should be.]

[So here you are. Surrounded by thick mist (and isn't it playing games with your head, even now?), on unknown and enemy ground. Your resources? Your mind. Anything you have on you, and the people you're with.]

[Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and you should), is to orchestrate an escape from this camp... or at least get off of the menu.]

The Camp

[ooc: here's how it works. The locations are:

the cages: There are a number of cages in the center of the camp - marked A on the map above. You can choose whoever your character is with, or just go it alone - it's up to you. You can choose to escape however you like - break the door down, find a hair pin and pick the lock, whatever works for you. The cages are wooden, but extremely sturdy - perhaps even magical. The weight/strength of 2-3 people in combination may work to break the door down.

the main tent: This is where the elven tribe leaders stay. It is a large tent decorated with human and nonhuman skulls. Yep.

the animal pen: the mounts used by the elves are kept here. The collection includes five-horns, dire wolves, regular horses, giant lizards, bears and unrecognizable monsters.

the waste yard: Where the elves throw their prey's bones. Human and animal bones can be found here, along with irrelevant personal items that the elves don't care about - Forges, books, clothes, etc.

common homes: where the average elven family will be living - several families to a tent. These are much plainer.
Now! Looking at the map, you can also choose your escape route. Each location has associated "scenes" - located in the comments to this post - that your character can notice/see/hear/react to if you prefer. If you like, you can give a reaction reply to the scenes in question... much as people react to Scorched Board posters sometimes (e.g. here) - or just start a thread there and assume the escape itself. Up to you! You can't do this wrong, I promise!

Feel free to have your characters run around the camp and get out unscathed. If you'd like an elf to catch you anywhere, or even just pursue you and fail to catch you in the end, ping the mods via PM or plurk or wherever you like with a link to the thread where you'd like to have a personal run in with an elf. Let us know what result you'd like to work to, as well.

If your character is recaptured... they won't get another chance to escape. The elves will eat them. Literally. Alive or dead is pretty much your choice.

If your character escapes... they can find their Forges tossed among the discarded bones of the elves' previous victims in the waste yard. Feel free to find yours, or forget to bring it and have someone else find it for you, or just lose it forever and get a replacement, as you prefer.

Your character can escape any time you like, provided you allow them to have remained missing for at least 5-6 hours - the time it takes for the toxins to wear off sufficiently for them to wake up. The camp itself is located just at the edge between Level 5 Mist and Beyond... so beware the risk of Blood Awakening as well. Info on the Mist effects can be found here.]

lilly rush, stephanie brown, spike, rukia kuchiki, sebastian michaelis, dawn summers, verity kindle, arthur pendragon, nill, priscilla, byakuya kuchiki, lelouch vi britannia, yazoo

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