[open] once amid the soft silver sadness in the sky

Aug 09, 2011 22:31

Who: Tonks and You!
When: Tuesday, August 9th.
Where: Various points in the city starting and ending at the Clinic.
Format: Paragraph to start then whatever tickles your fancy.
What: Tonks is trying to find herself.
Warnings: Angst

For almost the past two months, Nymphadora Tonks hds made her home at the Clinic.

At first it had been necessity. After her escape from Bellatrix and her recovery, she had been brought to the Clinic. Her physical injuries, the exhaustion, starvation and dehydration had been healed. What hadn't been so easy to deal with was her mind. The course of torture had broken and shattered it.

There had been those that helped but one she had to send one away. In the first few days his presence had been comforting but she had grown too reliant upon him. It had started to effect her recovery. She hadn't wanted to make him leave but there had been no other choice. Tonks had meant what she said. Remus had a promise to keep.

Recovery wasn't easy but she was starting to get better. Her mind was better now but she was still bruised. She hurt. Tonks hurt in more ways than she could possibly articulate and she could get so angry.

Recovery was put on hold when she suddenly found herself a teenager. When that event had passed and Tonks found herself waking up back in her room at the Clinic, she wondered how she had ever been that girl. Dora was young, obnoxious and a prat but with a sense of confidence that Tonks no longer possessed.

A few days after returning back to her older self, Tonks contemplated on it for a long while before finally getting up. She rose from her bed and dressed in the rose-colored dress that someone had left for for her. How did she go back to who she was? Where did she even begin to start? She didn't know but today she was going to try.

And so it was that Tonks left the Clinic for the day.

One of her stops, was the Memorial Tree in the park. She had seen it her second day in Anatole, had even ran into Remus. On that day, she had no reason to look at the individual leaves marked with names of those that had left Anatole. There was no one for her to miss until now. She looks through the leaves until she finds a name. Dende. She had not missed him until days later, after her return, when informed by Shirley that he was simply gone. It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair that the last memory Dende and Tonks held of each other was of her screaming at him. It overshadowed the happier times, the couple of hours spent playing the most intriguing game of hide and go seek. Tonks had come to adore the little green guy, she even thought of him has family. She lowered her head and sat down on a bench.

Tonks sat there for a while before finally moving on.

Her next destination had been the room she had been renting. It had been weeks since she had spoken to the owner and in that time her room had been rented out from under her. Tonks possessions had been sold to pay her rent. There was nothing left. There wasn't even a sign of Lord Quackers. Her pet duck was long gone but at least he had not become dinner.

The loss of her things was discomforting to Tonks. They were just things but there were a few things from her own world, her jacket and her boots. The jacket was especially troubling as it contained her remaining ivories. Without it, she had no hope of getting anything for her that wasn't charity. She didn't want charity. Tonks wanted to make her own way.

She left her old landlady with a supreme feeling of disappointment. There was nothing to be done there. Tonks hadn't even yelled at the woman, she just left and wondered throughout the rest of Anatole.

For a few minutes, she stopped at a message board. It was littered with missing persons fliers. Behind those fliers, however, was something purple and familiar. She reached in and pulled out her old advertisement. Tonks looked at the rest of the board. She wasn't going to cover up any 'have you seen this person' notice. Tonks replaced her ad at the bottom. Maybe that would get her something.

Tonks made a few other stops before her steps carried her back to the Clinic. The realization that she had no place else to go rested heavily on her. It was just another weight to be tied around her. She didn't want charity.

Once in her room she swung the door shut behind her. It didn't close all the way. Tonks crossed the short distance to her bed where she sat down. She sat with her back to wall and drew her knees in close to her chest. Charity wasn't something she needed or wanted. On the other hand, a path, a way back would have been more than welcomed.

However, there was the question of whether or not she'd be able to recognize one should it be offered.

(( OOC Notes - Tonks is stopping by the Memorial Tree in the park, her old rented room, the market, some bulletin boards and a few other places. Please feel free to have your character run into her at any one of those locations or at the Clinic. She needs therapy with Buffy and sword-fighting lessons from Arthur. :D As for Lord Quakers, he is currently living in the park being followed by a miniature dustpan and broom. He will magnificently resist any attempts at capture. ))

lust, shirley, spike, !nymphadora tonks, arthur pendragon

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