
Aug 05, 2011 02:35

Who: Priscilla and an especially obnoxious Rigaldo variant
When: immediately after this
Where: out in the ruins
Format: action!!!!!
What: two former(?) number twos decided to have a sparring match. they are probably going to show off a lot.
Warnings: ...fighting? arrogance? i don't even

[She wouldn't be far behind. He couldn't say for sure, of course, since the damn girl kept her yoki so well tempered there was no way to read her, but he could guess as much. She'd agreed to the fight, and as much as she sometimes reminded him of Isley in attitude, he didn't believe Priscilla would keep him waiting.]

[Which was good. He hated waiting.]

[This time, though, it might just be worth it if he had to. A Number Two-- no, a former Two, she said something about leaving the ranks. Which would make her a traitor, but a potentially dangerous one. Still, learning her previous rank was shocking to say the least, considering how young she was, and how... well. Female. There had to be something worthwhile to make up for those faults, to raise her to that position - his position - assuming she wasn't just lying.]

[Whether she is or not, he's willing to be patient to find the truth. The fact is, he can be patient when he needs to be, and the information he could get from her would be valuable. There's a clearing he found while tracking that creature earlier and he returns to it, leading her there, staying silent as he checks the area to see that they won't be interrupted.]

[He does hate interruptions.]

priscilla, rigaldo

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