Now, the party don't start 'til I stumble in!

Jul 23, 2011 17:54

Who: BB!Dora and YOU!
When: the duration of the event
Where: Around town/secret base!
Format: Prose to start! Whatever to finish!
What: Tonks wakes up as sixteen-year old Dora. She sets about town to find a 'safe space' aka 'base of operations'. Then she's going to roam town to find things to fill it with.
Warnings: IDEK. It's a Fifth-Year Dora. What do you think?

Some, just turned sixteen year olds, might have been a little worried upon waking up in a strange room. Nymphadora Tonks, better at that time known as Dora, did not panic. It was strange, surely, but she was a Tonks! She would manage or she'd play it by ear. Dora had her wand, she'd be fine.

Upon waking up Dora explored the clinic. She knew she was no longer at Hogwarts. There were no professors around. It was beginning to look like she was completely on her own.

Her second order of business was finding something to wear. She had no idea why she was wearing white but that had to be remedied. Dora didn't know who the trousers and shirt belonged to. For a moment, she almost felt guilty but her needs were greater. There had been a pink dress and shoes in her room but there was no way she was wearing that. It was hideous, thank you but no.

After she was dressed, Dora made her way out of the clinic. She had to find a safe space. A place where she could set herself up until she came up with a plan. A place where she could lord about, a base of operations if you will.

Eventually, she finds a place. It's an abandoned three-story building that has seen better days. She scoped it out. There were no signs of anyone having used the space. It'd do. Now having a place, her next order of business was making the place comfortable. And that was going to involved roaming over the whole of Anatole looking for things.

!nymphadora tonks, remus lupin

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