the birds, they flew into the wind (closed)

Jul 11, 2011 21:13

Who: lumenrelegandus and thenobledie
When: July 10th, early morning
Where: the Clinic
Format: action
What: Lisa likes to ruin the image people have Shirley, lmfao. Or, I have no idea what this log is yet, but she is not taking Lavi's disappearance very well. herp derp.
Warnings: n/a

[ fighting a group of natives - and she couldn't exactly call it "fighting," not when her opponents were so weak. it had been some miserable mix of a temper tantrum and a demonstration of power, instead. that she knew, even before a sword was drawn. - was not the best idea. but a flared temper doesn't exactly know good reason, and even now, shirley feels only half-conscious. she knows everything she does, and she knows she has done it. but she doesn't remember doing it, somehow unsure of if she really did.

so the room's upturned furniture, the broken glass, the running faucet. shirley knows that was her doing. had turned on the tap to clean natives' blood from her skin and dress. (didn't go "home" to avoid lilly's concern.) screamed and lost control again, instead. doesn't remember it, though. not even with a wet cloth in her peripheral vision and a broken shard cutting into her leg.

she knows she should stand, too, but prefers the familiar calmness that has taken her. (slow, barely there breaths. eyes closed. undisturbed stillness.) she could leave - no. where is ezio? she can't turn her back now, but she can't find the will to even move yet. ]

shirley, remus lupin

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