
Jun 12, 2011 22:26

Who: Zack Fair and Kadaj
When: Backdated to the late night of the masquerade
Where: Out near the Door
Format: Paragraph
What: Surprise accidental meeting! And Zack’s a bit tipsy. Just great.
Warnings: N/A

It really was a beautiful end to a beautiful night.

Zack couldn’t put into words how much he enjoyed the masquerade; seeing everyone in all their inventive gear, the creative dances, the good food and better alcohol, all of it had created a lasting memory, an atmosphere that had pushed the recent trials from his mind. That war? Gone. Irene’s death? Muted (but never forgotten). His healed injuries? Numbed, comfortably so with the drinks flowing lazily through his system.

He nudged the mask down, let it hang like a pendant off his neck, and walked slowly (albeit slightly crooked) down the street. The long way home seemed like a good idea at the time, the night too perfect to end so soon; a little time, a little fresh air always did something good for the soul. He missed his sword, but in the theme of the masquerade’s mystery, he had left it back at the apartment.

He might grow to regret that.

Shoving his hands into his coat’s pockets, he tilted his chin up and looked at the sky. It was nights like these that he missed Gaia, missed Aerith and Angeal and Reno the most. The grass between his toes. The smell of his mother’s cooking. The chocobos running through the fields or the smell of the thundering trains as they roared past. The people. The places. The familiarity, even if it was becoming distant after a year and a half here.

He was near the Door, he knew, as if it could bring it all to him, could give him back everything he lost. A flicker, a flicker was all he wanted, like a television showing that one instant sweet spot where the rabbit ears worked and the picture came in clear. He just wanted to see it for a second, even if he knew it was stupid.

He didn’t care if it was, though. The alcohol wouldn’t let him, and he was happy about that.

zack fair, kadaj

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