riseinthewest and
When: 5/30
Where: The ruins.
Format: Action.
What: Nothing even remotely pretty; or, Riful gets what was coming to her.
Warnings: VIOLENCE.
[Riful does not cower.
Riful does not sulk in the dark, Riful does not hide, Riful does not cower. She has never needed to before. In the West, where she settled, she lived in abandoned dwellings because they were quiet places to eat and sleep, for her and Dauf to live. That suited her, and she got in the habit of choosing them. The habit carried over in Anatole.
She doesn't hide because she's never had to, but that was before she ever encountered that thing. Priscilla. Riful felt the awesome depth of yoki in her and knew fear for the first time that she could ever remember, and knew hatred too.
It's out there, somewhere, she can feel it.
In the most remote building she can find as far out into the mist as she can go, Riful is not cowering. She is merely retreated because she knows when she's outclassed, fuming because her gambit turned against her, and terrified, because the beast that should have been put down long ago woke up.]