(no subject)

May 26, 2011 01:47

Who: Lavi Looseleafbook & Yuu Kanda reticents
When: May 20th, late evening
Where: Rooftop/Lavi's room in the Outpost
Format: Action
What: Kanda spamming Lavi's Forge with text messages despite it being in the room with him while Lavi sulks about on the rooftops of Anatole.
Warnings: Kanda. :|a

[Lavi hadn't been in his room since the dream, since he had last cut off the last response to it. His Forge left behing simply because he didn't want to respond to them anymore, wasn't in the mood to face what he had to do over and over. Talking to Shirley and Kanda... That had been the worst. He hadn't wanted to shove the warrior-woman away, she had been kind to him since the beginning. And Kanda... The swordsman had been what he had considered his best friend since the day that he finally considered the Order home without realizing it. Yet he had to push them both away.

He knew they'd try to reach him again and if they couldn't, they - or at least Kanda - would try and track him down in his room. So Lavi had left it for the more comforting open skies. There were no cliffs, which he honestly would have rathered being on, so he always took the next best thing, the tallest building he could get to without being shot at or yelled at for being on. It was hard for anyone to spot him up on them unless they knew he would be there and only Allen had known about this particular building. So he was safe...for the moment.

Lavi just hoped - though he shouldn't really - that Damia the duckling was safe and sound inside his room at the Outpost.]

lavi, yuu kanda, incomplete

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