I'll take more than another river full (closed)

May 25, 2011 04:00

Who: soldiersblade and thenobledie
When: May 24th, night
Where: the Foxhole
Format: action
What: Sexual tension in a bar!! ...basically.
Warnings: n/a? DESMOND...

[right, so. enter shirley into the foxhole! it isn't one of her usual haunts in the city, but she has visited enough times now that regulars probably recognize her. which is not terribly difficult, given that she wears a white cloak nearly everywhere she goes. i mean, if you want to get poetic, it could considered pristine, like a ~fresh snow fall or something equally ridiculous. and then, her ginger-colored hair seems brighter because of that. she's striking!

- or wait, maybe it's because she has a habit of being absolutely cruel to any admirers. (god, shirley. can you be nice at all?) she is already ignoring at least one person that stares a bit too long, though. not here for trollings tonight, boys.

quietly, she walks toward the bar counter and takes a seat on a stool, further away from anyone else there. it's totally ladylike, but there is the reveal of a high-heeled boot that is very much not ladylike. anyway, she will wait for desmond to finish something or notice her, whatever; she isn't in a hurry. the finger tapping isn't impatience, really. it's just absent-minded action, while she thinks.

(he really isn't going to ask her to sing, right? what is "irish" again?)]

shirley, desmond miles

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