[ CLOSED ] Isley and Raki

May 24, 2011 12:44

Who: (swordofthenorth) and (amongmonsters)
When: The day of Raki's arrival, approximately 20 minutes after this log takes place
Where: Raki's Outlander Apartment
Format: Prose
What: It's been many years since Isley last saw Raki, but all that is about to change.
Warnings: None that I can think of...

That Clare had gotten to see Raki first did not put Isley off. He would rather it was that woman than Luciela or Riful. Clare, at least, had proven to be strong in the past, and capable of defending those she loved with her life. The Abyssal One would not admit it-particularly to Clare herself-but his human pet was safe in her hands.

Raki's safety aside, as certain amount of resignation at being second in line to see the boy still overwhelmed Isley. He had given up a great deal of time for the lad in the past, not to mention his life. Why should Clare be the one to see him first?

Because rushing to the boy's side like a parent suffering separation anxiety would only alert the other Abyssals, that's why, he reminded himself.

Besides, Raki was old enough now that they would not easily fool him. Or would they? He was such a peculiar lad, and always had been. His seeming indifference to what Isley was spoke immeasurably of that. Moreover, if Raki could trust Isley, what did that say for the other Awakened?

As he made his way to the Outlander block and to Raki's apartment, these thoughts and countless others laid siege to Isley's subconscious. He managed to keep the majority of his yoki suppressed so that his emotions (anxiety, curiosity, eagerness, tenderness) didn't leak out, but keeping the array of conflicting feelings from reaching his golden eyes was much harder. Passing several shop windows along the way gave him time to practice and school his features into a look that was more cool and guarded.

When he came to his former student's door, he knocked solidly three times and waited.

He hoped that Clare had not poisoned the boy's mind against him already.

raki, isley

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