[closed] give me good legs and show me a road

May 18, 2011 04:40

Who: Deneve and Shirley
When: May 18th
Where: Marketplace!
Format: Actionnnnn that might get a little tl;dr here and there >.>
What: A random encounter of two strange beings far from the places they belong.
Warnings: Probably nothing!

observe from outside with your feet on the ground )

shirley, deneve

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thenobledie May 18 2011, 09:17:26 UTC
A versatile fruit but I suggest the star-shaped one.

[and if deneve looks to her right, shirley stands near her, head titled slightly and smiling. it is annoyingly knowing, as if she is familiar with the other woman; because to shirley, deneve is - having spent months in the ruins near constantly, those that regularly visit the area are a familiar energy.

she almost misses that kind of interaction or rather, lack there of. the ruins are quiet, predictable, peaceful; and the city, the complete opposite. she can return any time she wishes, that she knows, but her clinic duties are growing on her. (she is realizing she may have to put her earnings toward an apartment because of that, too.)

which is maybe why she has approached deneve now.]


twoswordjuniper May 19 2011, 06:57:20 UTC
[Deneve glances at Shirly - hmph, that smile of hers - and assesses her quickly with sharp silver eyes. She raises one eyebrow inquisitively, the fruit seller forgotten in favor of this new person.]

I'm not familiar with a star-shaped fruit. It must not exist where I come from.

[She sets the apple down and turns toward Shirly - just halfway, not a full turn but enough not to have to turn her head far to see the other woman - and inclines her head slightly. A manner of greeting, though not too generous a kind.]


thenobledie May 19 2011, 20:08:07 UTC
It doesn't in my world, either, but it is quite the experience.

[shirley inclines her head slightly in return; the lack of friendliness doesn't bother her, it being the way she regards and considers other regularly.]


twoswordjuniper May 19 2011, 23:28:10 UTC
I see.

[Deneve picks up the fruit in question and examines it with only mild interest. The woman herself is more intriguing - not that Deneve shows it - and she gets an... odd sense off her. She has no yoki to read, though, so that always makes things more difficult.]

You're Scorched, then?


thenobledie May 20 2011, 04:01:27 UTC
[it's probably for the best she doesn't; she would do terrible things to scare people for laughs. s-sigh.]

Yes, I suppose I am.

[shirley has never thought of herself as part of the others, being, well, dead. (acting as though she is superior to them doesn't help!) but she isn't a native, and it's the only appropriate thing to define herself as in relation to her presence in this city.

she grabs a starfruit herself, setting enough ivories to pay for both of theirs down. you can go away now, fruit vendor.]

Do you have a knife?


twoswordjuniper May 21 2011, 00:50:34 UTC
[It would take a lot to put Deneve off. Scaring people would probably barely faze her.]

[Shirley paying for the fruit is surprising, but Deneve rolls with it, not really reacting aside from turning to face her straight on.]

Only my swords.

[Which are mostly hidden under her cloak as she finds they attract unnecessary attention sometimes. Though she could easily (and neatly!) cut the fruit with them.]


thenobledie May 21 2011, 01:22:22 UTC
Hm. Most of it is edible, but the ridges aren't.

[you are a tough cookie, deneve! but that's alright. shirley likes it.]


twoswordjuniper May 21 2011, 08:03:06 UTC
[She examines it like it is some kind of alien spacecraft. She doesn't really eat much in the first place, so there's no real wonder she doesn't exactly know her way around a fruit. Especially an odd one like this.]

Can they be peeled off by hand?

[Seriously, Shirly. Help a girl out, she really doesn't know how to eat this thing.]


thenobledie May 21 2011, 15:28:11 UTC
[maybe you should carry a knife, then!! no, okay.]

I suppose so.

[that sounds messy, fruit skin under the nail, and the ridges might take more than one peeling. so instead, shirley pinches a side of the fruit and, gently, tears it from the rest. this totally defeats half the fun of starfruit, but oh, well. now, she can just eat around the ridge.]


twoswordjuniper May 23 2011, 07:22:28 UTC
[She doesn't have to eat much more than a few bites every couple of days, so her experience with food is limited. And a knife seems a bit unnecessary when one carries two very large swords on one's person. What can you kill with a knife that you can't with a claymore?]

[Nonchalant as possible, Deneve mimics Shirley's method, pulling the fruit apart in precisely the same way she has just seen done. Watching her, one could almost get the impression of watching a very smart child learning a simple task for the first time.]


thenobledie May 23 2011, 07:48:05 UTC
[...this is very true. a knife would be a little unnecessary, in deneve's case. she probably wouldn't even need one for an emergency, either, would she?]

Do you like it?

[she finds deneve's, ah, relationship to food to be endearing. it reminds her of when she was rediscovering food in anatole, but she had more familiarity to food than deneve even then. still, shirley gets it.

she doesn't miss it, though, because starfruit? delish. chew chew swallow.]


twoswordjuniper May 24 2011, 20:26:36 UTC
[She hasn't met an emergency yet that she couldn't handle with two giant indestructible broadswords.]

Hm. It's interesting.

[Which is a pretty strong endorsement from Deneve. If she didn't like it, she would just say so. And probably throw it away. Instead, she takes another little bite.]


thenobledie May 24 2011, 20:35:40 UTC
[but what if she's without those badass swords!]

Isn't it?

[like pear and citrus together.]


twoswordjuniper May 24 2011, 20:42:29 UTC
[No such time exists. They're practically attached to her. Except when she throws one. But then there's the second one as backup!]

I haven't had anything like it before.

[She wonders if Helen would like it. Maybe she'll take home whatever she can't eat and leave it somewhere her partner will find it.]

You first tried it here?

[... how in the world did you know how to eat it?]


thenobledie May 24 2011, 21:52:43 UTC
[throwing your sword...effective!]

I did. I must admit, I was wary of it at first.

[someone showed her!]


twoswordjuniper May 26 2011, 09:01:49 UTC
[It works for her. Occasionally with her arm still attached.]

[Deneve turns over the larger portion of the fruit in her hand, studying it again.]

I can see why.


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