[ Closed ]

May 17, 2011 17:44

Who: Scar (lonestray) and Roy Mustang (ignite_the_sky)
When: Starting May 16, going up to May 19 though there will be a timeskip somewhere in the middle
Where: Starting in Dismas proper, then to the tunnels, and eventually back up to the surface.
Format: Actioooon
What: Two people that severely dislike each other are stuck alone together for four whole days. Doesn't that sound fun? :D
Warnings: Language definitely, violence possible, blood possible, and some near-death experiences definite.

[Near the only reason Scar ever comes down to Dismas is for his Arena battles--little else down there is of even remote interest to him, and these days, even that has faded in interest for him. He makes enough of a living on the Patrol...and without Senji there it just wasn't the same anymore.

(Odd how those fights had gone from being merely a job to something...almost enjoyable. He's not sure whether to be grateful for that or not)

He's pulled from his thoughts by the sight of a (suspiciously familiar) puppy zipping past his ankles. Scar only blinks at it at first, planning simply to continue on his way...until he sees a very familiar man chasing after it.

A dog of the military losing track of his dog. How ironic. If Scar were the sort of man to laugh freely, he would be right now. Instead, he merely allows for an amused glance before turning and moving in that direction as well--although with no great hurry. It wasn't really his problem, after all. But he was in good enough of a mood to be helpful.]

roy mustang, scar

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