"If it's a fight, I'm ready to go..." [CLOSED]

Apr 24, 2011 23:40

Who: Rex (naniteknight) and Elena (wellsuited)
When: Backdated to Tuesday, April 18th. Evening hours.
Where: The Door.
Format: Prose.
What: After their initial discussion over the network, Rex and Elena decide to meet at The Door to talk more about the EVO's possible involvement as an Arena fighter. Time to show off the bag of tricks!
Warnings: None!

After cutting his connection to the network, Rex pocketed his Forge and left his room in the Outlander Community Building. It wouldn't take him long to reach The Door, given the structure was located just beyond the building, between there and what had been marked as a public market area.

He'd already been told that there was no going back through that stupid thing, but he wanted to try, regardless. Rex was used to being one of the big exceptions in his world. He was different than so many other EVOs. And people had a tendency to tell him not to what they had deemed to be too difficult or even impossible. Well, Rex made a habit out of defying the odds. If he'd stopped to listen to everyone who ever doubted him, would he even still have a world left to go home to at all? If he'd let White Knight talk him out of riding the freight elevator into space to stop ZAG-RS on the Providence space station, all life on Earth might have been annihilated. If he'd let Oso talk him out letting Valentina help with tracking down the Chupacabra, likely Rex and Valentina's men would all be dead. Anything and everything was worth a try if the stakes were high enough or the prize great enough. So dammit, he was going to try that Door.

As he walked out toward the big archway, Rex noticed that many of the natives seemed rather intent on keeping their distance from it. Some did pass by it, but they tended not to linger for very long. Perhaps their dislike of out-of-towners extended to the device responsible for dumping them into Anatole as well.

The Door itself was admittedly impressive, an imposing structure that gave even Rex pause before he approached it. Eyes narrowing, he gazed into the open portal, watching as images flickered by on the other side. They were foreign, some downright alien... Were they other worlds, appearing and vanishing as quickly as though someone were changing stations on television?

Rex hesitated, holding his ground where he stood. If there was even the slightest possibility this portal could go both ways, did one have to wait until they saw a glimpse of their own world slide by? Was it possible to end up in the wrong world? Or was it like a twisted take on leaving the world of Oz... Just think of home and click your heels together jump headlong into the gaping maw of The Door?

Huh. Well. Maybe he'd hold off until after his chat with Elena to try anything.

Folding his arms across his chest, he turned his attention back to the streets while he waited.

elena, !rex salazar

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