[ CLOSED ] I've come undone...

Apr 18, 2011 21:44

Who: knows_it_all and i_love_squats
When: Tonight
Where: Clare's apartment in Dismas
Format: Paragraph
What: Some burdens are meant to be carried alone, others are meant to be shared.
Warnings: Angst, bromance that develops, two consenting adults uh...consenting...without actually consenting to much because it's a borrowed apartment!?

Kunsel had been reluctant to accept Clare's offer at first-situated in the Red Light district in Dismas, her apartment's location was a little too close to the scene of the recent brothel massacre-but the Second Class had eventually conceded to staying there while she was off living...well, who-knew-where exactly. He hadn't thought to ask. Should have, perhaps, although her lot was a private one, not likened to volunteering information unnecessarily, or so that had been his experience with them so far.

...Not too unlike himself, really.

The apartment was modest in size and fixtures; he couldn't have asked for something more befitting his occupation and rank. It wasn't too spacious, and it wasn't suffocating by any means; it provided him with all the necessary privacy he was accustomed to having prior to Anatole (that which he'd partially given up in sharing accommodations with Zack).

Overall he was content to be there, to have time to himself to think, sort out his thoughts without fear of interruption...while awaiting judgment from the Police Force operated by Byakuya Kuchiki.

It was lonely, though. Very lonely. (And he hadn't been there more than a couple of days, if that.)

Was that why he had resorted to inviting Zack over, after having gone to so much effort to escape his best friend? Or maybe it had to do with needing to lighten the load of concerns he'd been carrying, or did it have more to do with trust and opening up to a friend that had given him so much, that deserved more in return?

...Kunsel didn't know anymore. There was so god damn much he didn't know...

And maybe Zack wouldn't know, either, but at leas the First Class would be supportive of him-to a point. Shiva, they might even make some progress leaning on one another, might figure things out. Some things, anyway.

It was worth a shot.

kunsel, zack fair

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