[closed] Enough to knife, to death

Apr 10, 2011 12:41

Who: Riza Hawkeye and Malfatto
When: Sunday night, so... tonight!
Where: That Alley
Format: Action
What: A rematch, a rendezvous, a 'second date.'
Warnings: Well. Violence. Also Malfatto. He's a warning in and of himself, isn't he?

[Riza hadn't returned to this alley since she had been killed here. She had had no curiosity to see it again painted with her blood - or at least the stains of it by the time she got her sight back. But here she was now, in darkness of the same quality as the night she met her end on his knife. The dim light of the moon shined on the colored glass in a window above her and she walked she felt like she was retreading steps.

She knew he was here somewhere. She could feel him, like a dark spot moving in the deeper black. But she wasn't afraid. She felt like steel. She felt prepared. Along her back was the rifle Roy had given her - his only presence in this fight because she had refused even to tell him when and where it would be because she could not afford to have him come to 'rescue' her - and beneath her jacket were her two revolvers. At her hip was a semiautomatic and in her hand was the browning hi-power Edward had brought back to her when he had been here.

She was ready. Armed to the teeth. In control of herself. Walking deeper in, she scanned the alley and waited for him to make an appearance.]

malfatto, riza hawkeye

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