i lied, i couldn't talk myself out of it. [OPEN!!!!]

Apr 05, 2011 21:46

Who: Anyone who wants to be-- either from being invited in Asellus' latest post or just being there! Everyone's welcome~~~
When: To..night....?
Where: The Foxhole!
Format: Action, let's say?
What: Having come into a bit of a windfall, with her rent all paid off, Asellus is leading a march to the nearest bar to relax, and she's taking everyone else with her!!!
Warnings: ...Drinking! I don't see this getting any worse than PG13 at the... worst...

[Asellus had the foresight to go change into her normal clothing-- warm, if a little boring, and about fifty times less likely to get her annoyed at the bar, if the bars here were anything like the ones she'd spent a decade frequenting back home. It hadn't taken long, though, and she arrived early enough to swipe a comfortable spot not too far from the bar, while being roomy enough for several people. She'd been here before, though never without a disguise-- when she wanted information, she learned, she was best off getting it out of tipsy mouths and filtering through the bravado for the truth. It was her first move when she began looking for Ivy Rose.

But there was no need for that tonight. Tonight was for relaxing, not work. And she knew at least one or two people who'd show, so she probably shouldn't be looking so down.]

!asellus, toto sakigami, deneve

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