[closed : i'd like to laugh at all the things that led me on somehow the stigma still remains]

Mar 21, 2011 22:44

Who: samianscar & girl_unlocking
When: Just after this conversation.
Where: The alley of horror.
Format: Action.
What: Dawn's had some changes. Knows some things about Spike.
Warnings: Angst. Language. Tears. Bitchiness?

[It's possible she shouldn't have come back here at all.

Spray of red against broken brick reflected in the lamplight almost the same way it had been reflected in the fragmented, filtered sun. Shards and broken patterns - the wet glisten of bloodslick gravel.

She swallows, still raw (torn out of time out of what i didn't know these things before but now i) - still stunned. Tears stilled for now as shock has settled back inside, coiled itself around her like a false friend.

Back to brick, head turned, she closes her eyes. Sinks down. Sits.

She's not sure who she's waiting for, but it's not Spike.]

spike, dawn summers

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