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Mar 15, 2011 08:34

who River (impossibly) and Isley (swordofthenorth).
when some time after Isley's tears down Headquarters. following this thread.
where h-Headquarters.
format prose.
warnings will edit if any, but I doubt it.
summary Just two perfectly ordinary people taking a stroll and talking about their worlds. Nothing to see here, folks!

River sprints to her destination in three-three time, feet against the pavement hard enough to bruise, arms pistoning, hair whipping out behind her. She wonders whether she looks like a from or a to.

Even giving everything she has, River doubts she'll beat him, but it's not a real competition, like when she used to play trivia games with Simon. Just the exhilaration of movement is worth it. She weaves through the buildings and lets the impressions of the world she's passing by blur together.

The building is a ruin, and it could be interesting to pick over for driftwood, but she only chose it to remind herself of why he'd come to her attention at all. There's something about talking to Isley that buries below her skin and sticks in the back of her throat, the impression of being watched by something far greater than she not really an experience she's ever enjoyed. But he's interesting at the same time, fascinatingly dangerous and she wants to watch him shape the world just as much as she believes he shouldn't.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." she sing-songs under her breath as she walks deer-footed across the debris.

river tam, isley

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