(no subject)

Mar 12, 2011 22:22

Who: Hermione Granger & Open!
When: Early evening.
Where: Outside, in front of her apartment building.
Format: Third Person/Paragraph
What: She's working! Come and bug her if you dare.
Warnings: Depressing thoughts? TBD.

With all of the work Hermione had assigned herself, it was no wonder that she had been too busy to communicate all that much with the other residents of Anatole. But she knew that had to change. She was starting to feel lonely - though she was loathe to admit it.

"Ridiculous..." Hermione flipped a page of her journal, writing a note in the margins, "You miss them. Admit it. Stop hiding."

Yet allowing herself to feel that weakness felt like a betrayal. She was here, relatively safe, while Harry and Ron fought Merlin knows what in some nightmarish place. It didn't seem fair.

"I'll get back to them. I will." she placed her pen a little harder against the page and heard the tell tale rip. Grimacing, she took out her wand and repaired the page. There was no way she was going to rewrite these notes. Besides, paper wasn't the easiest thing to come by in Anatole. Soon, she would have to resort to recording information on her Forge.

"How reliable are you?" she peered down at the small device, frowning, "More importantly, who else is watching my entries?"

That thought sent a chill up her spine. For all she knew, Voldemort was here. He just hadn't made himself known. Anything was possible.

Looking around uncomfortably, Hermione tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and gathered up her notes. Perhaps she should finish this inside after all.

hermione granger, arthur pendragon

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