[Closed] Because I have come back for what is trouble.

Mar 03, 2011 15:53

Who: Break (break_onthru) and Prussia (regionseizer)
When: Thursday, March 3.
Where: Dismas, where all the fun happens. Outside the Enia Brothel, specifically. >:)
Format: So much action, you don't even know.
What: A meeting of the minds. The cracked minds.
Warnings: ... TBD. No idea what these two personalities are going to do to each other.

[So when you've been abducted into an alternate world - not the weirdest thing that has happened to Break, by the way - and there's no obvious escape, you have a few options. One is to give up, which just isn't his style. Another is to surreptitiously try to get information out of people, which he's been doing a bit of. The third is to be pro-active. Also a good option. Going to the exit is always a better idea than making the exit come to you.

So where to search? The fringes of civilization are always good places to start. Hence, Dismas.

Oh, he's heard the warnings. Stripping you of your powers. Undesirables everywhere. Even better! No powers means everyone's on an even keel, and undesirables often have looser lips if one knows how to ask, or what to offer.

Getting there is a challenge. Anatole is big, and maps are no good for Break. But luckily, folks are nice, for the most part. On one street corner he asks for directions, then follows them to the letter. He counts paces. He memorizes the rights and lefts and straights and then memorizes the reverse so he can end up back where he started. Hopefully.

It's not so hard. He's been practicing.

Once he finds the entrance to Dismas, however, he's on his own. Folks are not so nice down here, and blending until it is the opportune moment to stand out is essential.

He still counts paces. He still remembers that he's taken three rights, four lefts and three blocks of walking straight to end up where he is. Unfortunately, down here it's DARK. Break is not nearly as good in the dark as he is in the light. But this is practice, too. One day this will be his world, without even the blurred lights of nearby establishments to give him hints as to where he is.

He was right in what he said to Liam. Being blind is lonely.

Right now, however, you wouldn't know that by looking at him. He's just a man in a white overcoat that hangs sloppily off his shoulders. He doesn't seem terribly interested in the building he's walking past, which... could be considered a bit odd. Why walk by a brothel if you don't intend to go inside? A working girl on the sidewalk beckons to him, but he just smiles and side steps. That's not the kind of entertainment he's looking for, sorry to say.]

xerxes break, prussia

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