I was walking with a ghost (open)

Feb 25, 2011 23:53

Who: sandrocker and you! ...maybe?
When: February 24th, day time
Where: ...around
Format: action
What: There is a dog. It is a ghost. It will not stop following Quatre. halp?
Warnings: n/a

[today was normal. (well, as normal as one can expect in anatole...) except for the part where a dog started following quatre through the streets.

it's not too bad, really. she - and he just knows - is a lovely dog. her fur nearly white and a splash of orange coloring along the top of her body. a rigid posture. sharp eyes. she looks like a good, noble breed. of course, she is, also, transparent. that is the bad part.

quatre turns, and she stops walking, only a few steps behind. he stares. she stares back. it's quite dramatic, this pointless staring contest.]


[so she does.]


[he nearly turns but pauses, a hand out for good measure. like this emphasizes his point of "REALLY. I MEAN IT NOW."]


[with that, quatre walks again. it's only a few more seconds that the dog follows.]

quatre raberba winner, spike, yuber

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