(no subject)

Feb 09, 2011 23:23

Who: Tseng (fingersloophole), Elena (wellsuited)
When: Backdated to the end of Tseng's recovery.
Where: Tseng's "hospital" room.
Format: Paragraph
What: Chicken soup for the Wutai soul.
Warnings: None come to mind.

She'd been busy lately, even for her. All the preparations for the fight of her arena manager career....and then all the clean-up from said fight. Reno had finally returned and she'd hurried to pile as much information as she could on him. Elena was juggling so many things, all the while trying not to worry about if and when something would fall. But then Tseng had gotten hurt, and a lot of things were forced to slow down, even stop completely.

His recovery over the past couple of weeks had gone well, a fact that Elena attributed largely to his strenght. But her daily soup deliveries surely helped too! She'd learned all about the healing qualities of it since arriving in Anatole, and had come to the conclusion that it was the next best thing to Phoenix Down.

"Sir?" Elena knocked on the door to his room softly. "It's me, Elena." Just in case the scent of chicken noodle hadn't already announced her arrival. It was twice as strong today, because she'd brought enough for two.

tseng, elena

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