Who: EVERYONE. Seriously, everyone.
When: Forward-dated to tomorrow night.
Where: A large building that had once been damaged, but has now been repaired. (Directions provided to anyone who needed them.)
Format: Action, paragraph, multiple threads, past, present. AKA whatever you'd like.
What: A little party to mix business and pleasure.
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He's not even sure why he was here. Perhaps to keep an eye on Kurosaki, since the Shinigami had a tendency to get into trouble. Maybe it was to keep an eye out in cause certain others started trouble. All he knew was that he was here, he was nursing a cup of water, and watching the others around him.]
Unfortunately, the only bare spot she can find is near a bespectacled boy and his cup of water.
Maybe she should ask first and make sure he doesn't mind having them nearby...]
Um, excuse me? Is it okay if we hang around here for a little while to get away from the crowd?
Ah... all right.
[Because it would be rude to say otherwise.]
[As if on cue, Stitchy staggers toward him, leaning forward to sniff him.]
...just don't make any sudden movements and you'll be fine.
[Just kind of keeps staring at her, and for a moment, wonders if Hirenkyaku counts as a sudden movement. Considering he doesn't know how fast she moves, he's going to think it does. At least for the moment.]
[Meanwhile, Stitchy will just stand there and make gurgly growly noises and every once in a while stop to sniff the air.]
[If she eats people, is she looking for more food? He's not sure he understands any of this at the moment.]
For now, well, I'm not entirely sure?
[How to explain this..?]
She doesn't have the same dietary needs as normal humans.
Ah... so I hear.
[Are those gears turning in her head? Sadly, they are... Run, Ishida. Run fast, run far.]
I'm not sure I'm familiar with your kind. Or an Abyssal One.
To take the life of a human is to give up our own in exchange. I assure you, I would not be so foolish as to strike you down.
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