[ incomplete ]

Dec 22, 2009 16:01

Who: Hatake Kakashi (entoptic), Uzumaki Naruto (couragetodare), & open to the rest of the Naruto cast, if anyone else wants to hop in. :)
When: Yesterday sometime.
Where: By the docks.
Format: Paragraph, past tense.
What: UHH IDK. It's Kakashi being Kakashi, and Naruto being B| B| B| because of it.
Warnings: TBD. Probably none?

For once, Kakashi wasn't late.

In fact, Naruto wouldn't have to wait on him at all. He was already at the docks, the dark sky stretched high above him as he leaned over to flit bare fingers through the murky water. The water sloshed quietly as he disturbed it, and he pulled his hand away, flicking the droplets off the tips of his fingers.

Kakashi looked at his hand, at the material of his glove, and that electric energy gathered over his fingers, spread down to his palm. His hand glowed dimly in the dark, white electricity sparking, and -- yeah. It was still different, weaker, laced with a foreign property he'd never felt before.

He wasn't sure what to make of it, honestly.

But that hardly mattered right then. Kakashi was best at prioritizing his worries, his stresses, best at prioritizing the different sort of threats he happened to face, and while this situation was alarming in its own right, it wasn't immediately necessary for him to take drastic action.

Especially when he knew so little. Especially when he was so low on information about this place, about this city, about its natives, and about his own former students.

The electric energy dissipated, and Kakashi dropped his hands against his knees, pushing himself up into a stand. The wood of the dock creaked beneath him as he moved forward, past the water, back to solid ground. He couldn't blame Naruto for being upset. He couldn't blame him for demanding anything, but --

He looked down when his feet met concrete, slowing to a stop.

-- but this was another one of those situations that he needed to prioritize, and maybe that was unfair, maybe, maybe, probably, probably yes, definitely yes. It was probably really unfair.

That was okay. He could live with not being fair.

kakashi hatake, naruto uzumaki

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