[ closed log ] a Kuchiki family reunion

Dec 15, 2010 23:16

Who: The Kuchikis. Hisana ( afterplumblooms ), Rukia ( littlestkuchiki ), Byakuya ( xnoble_reasonx )
When: The evening following this.
Where: Byakuya's and Hisana's apartment.
Format: Prose
What: Awkward reunion of the Kuchiki family.
Warnings: Awkward and angst. Is there anything else to expect?

Dinner. A seemingly simple affair where one ate and drank to their heart's content with the possibility of light conversation. Byakuya didn't necessitate light conversation. Chatter was useless, after all and one should not speak with food in their mouths. It was improper behavior. The rest of it, of course, was very welcome and while Byakuya had made sure there was plenty of food, had fetched water himself and made sure his stock of tea had not been depleted, there was still something missing that he couldn't deny after the invitation.

That missing something was 'simplicity'. No, he wasn't referring to elaborate place settings or exotic foods. He wasn't talking about their attire. He was, rather, thinking of the sisters and Anatole itself when he considered 'complications'. When Hisana arrived, he had convinced himself to stop and think about what was best for the both of them and proceeded to act on it. While it was, by no means, an easy feat, it had settled his mind knowing he was willing to try. When Rukia arrived, Byakuya had been somewhat glad. It meant Hisana would get her greatest wish and all would be well. Out of everything, those feelings, the ones he didn't have, were the most simple of it all.

He had waited patiently for the two of them to utter a word of meeting, to get together and talk about whatever it was sisters discussed. When he'd heard nothing, from neither end, Byakuya could not simply let it go. Hisana's health could have been stolen from her at any moment, any of them might be swept away by whatever power it was that held them here, death was almost inevitable for those who raised their blades. There was no way to know how their lives would run and he refused to let an outside power ruin their chance.

The invitation had been extended and while they both seemed anxious, and Hisana felt guilty, he was sure this was the only way. They had to. He could not rest until they sat in the same room together, even if it was in silence. Hisana needed to see for herself Rukia's well being and Rukia needed to understand Hisana. If need be, Byakuya had a perfectly acceptable reason to excuse himself to allow sisterly bonding. He didn't stop to think it might have been selfish. His only concern was making it happen.


He was, currently, looking for something--anything--to do. Rukia would arrive at any moment and his lack of activity was... disturbing. There had to be something else to do. Surely they had not thought of everything. It felt incomplete. Somehow. Byakuya simply needed perfection, even for this supposed-to-be 'simple' dinner. "Do you require anything else?" Don't make him stand off to the side, a lonesome spectator with non-busy hands.

byakuya kuchiki, hisana kuchiki, rukia kuchiki

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