
Nov 28, 2010 08:29

Who: The Terrible Bleach Trio (Aizen, Gin, Tousen)
When: Backdated a bit to after Aizen sends Gin to collect Kaname.
Where: Aizen's mansion in the Upper Class district
Format: Started with paragraph, but I can work with anything.
What: IT'S REUNION TIME, I'm sure everyone's excited for them.
Warnings: Aizen's is a jerk and so is Gin. Tousen isn't, really.

The say reunions are meant to be pleasant - all friendly smiles and charming words. For many the word alone conjured images of hugs and tears. A spot of tea, the scent of wine. Bonding over dinner. A gathering of old friends, even family - united again, as goes the definition of the word. All very warm.

As it happens, Aizen didn't feel especially warm.

This was to be expected. He had never been given to sentimentality, so instead, his head filled up with thoughts, with plans, with the information he would need to demand, and the information he would need to impart. The Twins, he noted in his mind - a subject of utmost importance. His thoughts regarding them, his intentions too. The odd energies here - yoki, that power possessed by those three and their pale imitations. That nameless power inhabited inside a handful of "ninjas." The current status of those whom the three of them had once called "comrades," albeit with a forked tongue. Those shinigami whom the lot of them had left behind. ...that thought brought to mind (not for the first time, and certainly not for the last), Aizen's peculiar tendency to surround himself with traitors.

Or potential traitors, at least in Kaname's case. There are two kinds of traitors, really - those who enter with intent and those who fall from grace. Gin was the latter, but Kaname had been the former, and from what Kaname had told him, it appeared that his loyalties remained intact, here. He had not yet been ruined by Komamura, or by that former lieutenant of his. And admittedly, it wasn't entirely coincidental. For his part, Aizen had always believed in the precept that some human had carved into immortality: one kept their friends close, their enemies closer. That was, after all, the reason he had kept Gin around so long.

Still, it certainly did make life interesting.

He felt them approach, of course - his right hand and his left, one could say, moving through the streets of the district toward the house he had put together in the past few weeks. He would meet them in the lounge - expertly redecorated, sparse, more pleasing to the eye. A chessboard set up before him, a tea set at his side, he waits.

(As he waits, he reaches forward, fingers wrapped around the head of a pawn. He makes the first move.)

sousuke aizen, kaname tousen, gin ichimaru

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