
Nov 26, 2010 22:16

Who: Zack Fair i_love_squats and Jason Todd jaytodd
When: Yesterday
Where: The Docks
Format: Paragraph.
What: Booze and bitching. :D Great combo.
Warnings: Um, we’ll see.

Zack hadn’t been expecting someone to call him up and request his company, not any time soon, but he was hardly about to turn it down when it happened. The fact that it was from Jason was an added bonus; he hadn’t had a chance to spend time with him in awhile, not with everything that seemed to be set down on his plate lately (Cloud and Yazoo, first and foremost). Having a few beers with the extra weird stories? That was the recipe for greatness, long as it wasn’t more Japanese Porn.

Though, he did have to wonder what was up with folks wanting him drunk lately. Heine, and now Jason. Was he funnier? More entertaining? Something?

He made it down to the docks faster than he thought he would, and though it was chilly with the wind coming off the water, he was hot from the jog. Minato was left at home, penned up nice and warm; Zack had wanted the run to clear his head, to come down here without the pounds of baggage that seemed on his shoulders lately. He figured Jason would prefer it that way.

Hell, he’d prefer it that way.

Dropping down to sit on the wood, Zack idly contemplated hanging his legs off the side until he remembered just what had been swimming around in there last time. Safely tucked back up on the docks, he flopped down onto his back, pillowed his head on his arms, and watched the sky as he waited.

jason todd, zack fair

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