those not so blessed would be crying out murder

Nov 11, 2010 09:11

Who: Galatea | visionblessing & Badou | flamingun; closed
When: A DAY. Afternoon-ish?
Where: Market
Format: Kicking it off paragraph, but either is fine with me.
What: Running into people while shopping. IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME.
Warnings: None that I can think of. I guess potential language?

and I'd just laugh and get away with it too )

galatea, -complete, badou nails

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flamingun November 11 2010, 01:48:00 UTC
Badou was glancing between two equally ancient cigarette brands, wondering which would taste better. Something people didn't realize about Badou was that he's actually far more picky about his smokes then he's lead people to believe.

He was reading the tiny print of the pack in his left hand when he heard a voice off to his side. He glances over, not realizing the question was aimed at him until he saw she was looking right at him.

"Um, sure. I guess. What d'ya need?"


sob, work happened ;; but I have tomorrow off! visionblessing November 11 2010, 08:45:44 UTC
She smiled just slightly, a small tugs at the corners of her mouth. Galatea's smiles were unnerving for some, coupled with the milky white of destroyed irises, but that did little to deter her.

"Thank you," she replied politely, bowing her head a little. "I am trying to locate hair products," Galatea continued, as if it were the most natural thing in the world for a woman dressed in a nun's attire to seek out something so frivilous. "Do you have time?"

If not, she could always lurk and aggravate him during his own shopping endeavours. A subtle revenge, but at least likely for a little entertainment.


It's no problem. ^^ flamingun November 11 2010, 22:16:10 UTC
He's not exactly unnerved by her smile, since he's worked with Heine for so long, he's used to the most crazed and freaky facial expressions ever. But he's not even focusing on her face but thinking where the best place for hair products would be.

Back home he had a part time job in a little shop, so he's well versed where products would usually be stocked, but he's not sure if it's the same here. "I've got no where else to be. I was actually going to look for that stuff when I finished here anyways." He makes a gesture towards his hair, which is long enough to go midways down his back.

"Just give me a sec." He goes back to glancing between the packs before sighing and putting one down and pocketing the other.


visionblessing November 11 2010, 23:28:01 UTC
"Is that so? Then the investigation is well suited to both of us." It was almost a pleasant surprise, really-- consideration of hair care (or enough that simply leaving it to became an unsightly mess was a likely peril) was close to enough to counter the smell of tobacco.

Galatea waited patiently, smoothing the cloth of her habit. "There's no rush. I am grateful for the assistance." A brief pause, and she tilted her head to the side, as if contemplating her new comrade. "Ah, forgive my rudeness. My name is Galatea."

It would be remiss, of course, not to be polite to one who had so easily complied. She suspected that any of her comrades from her own world would have taken rather more convincing.


flamingun November 12 2010, 01:40:26 UTC
"I'm Badou." He sticks a hand out, not completely without manners despite having an occasional foul mouth and bad temper. "Usually-back in my world anyways, the shampoo and stuff would be with the rest of the bathing stuff."

He turns and walks down an aisle that looks promising, scanning it carefully. He mostly spotted things like towels and soap and laundry detergent. Everything seemed backwards in this place. "Okay, I doubt it'll be in this aisle then. Plan B, walk up and down every aisle until you find it."


visionblessing November 12 2010, 01:54:58 UTC
She sensed the motion, heard the rustle of cloth, and her eyes flickered towards where she estimated Badou's face might be with some amusement as she reached out until she could take his hand to shake. "I hope you'll forgive any faux pas," Galatea commented, indicating the scars over her eyes. "The lack of sight does make some simpler tasks rather difficult."

However, perhaps her modesty was somewhat misleading; she followed the sound of his steps and his presence with ease, free of stumbles or any awkward motions. To be blind was, in her experience, a useful means for people to underestimate you-- particularly when they were unaware that you were a demon.

A soft laugh escaped her at his comment. "I'm sure we'll succeed, despite whatever mental deficiecies the designer of this shop might have." Galatea wasn't exactly the best nun out there, and she'd be the first to admit it.


flamingun November 12 2010, 02:53:06 UTC
He blinks and finally studies her face and the very noticeable scars he'd failed to notice. He could almost hit himself for being so stupid. "Right. I don't suppose not noticing your condition could be blamed on the fact I can only see out of one eye?" A blind chick and a cyclops walk into a store; he was tempted to laugh. His whole is one bad joke after the other.

"Let's just hope he wasn't an alcoholic. You ever seen a drunk try to stock shelves? He'll put hand soap next to the cat food." He meanders down the next aisle with little luck.


visionblessing November 12 2010, 03:28:16 UTC
"Is that so? It would seem the world finds entertainment in our predicament." Another person might be a little more awkward about such a discovery, but not her. "Perhaps it would be worth considering forming some sort of association so that we can more easily locate others with similar afflictions. It would make it rather more simple than if we were to simply look for ourselves," she added, a note of amusement in her tone.

She smirked then, an expression that seemed distinctly out of place on a nun. "Rather unfortunate for any lacking in sharp wits," Galatea mused, idly picking up items and running her hands over them. "It is a sorry day when one returns from bathing smelling rather worse than when they started." And then she glanced over to Badou. "Am I to assume you observe drunken shopkeepers regularly?


flamingun November 12 2010, 04:09:32 UTC
"You mean like AA but for eye-impaired people?" He chuckled at the idea and shook his head. "Never been much of an..."association" person. Mimi once tried to send me to a group to give up smoking and that blew up in her face."

He continued to busy himself with checking all the shelves, but is still no closer to finding their objective then before. He shrugged, aware she wouldn't be able to see the movement. "I used to work for this old guy that would come into the shop smelling like booze and rearrange stuff when he thought I wasn't looking."


visionblessing November 12 2010, 12:09:58 UTC
"Along those lines," or so she guessed, at any rate. 'AA' was a term she would look into later. "Ah, the smoking is a habit? It does carry something of an unpleasant aroma that might be worth reconsidering," Galatea replied lightly, good humour apparent in her voice. "I hope this was no a literal explosion, though -- those can be so messy."

Ah. Galatea shook her head, and trailed her hand along the shelves. "That sounds charming. I hope the position was well paid." At least that was something of an advantage of hiding away in the church; relatively few drunks. For the most part, at least, although a couple of the brothers were certainly impartial to their parish-brewed spice wine and mead. "Such are the trials we must endure, hm?"

Sadly, she suspected most people had rather more difficult things to endure than challenging employers.


flamingun November 12 2010, 15:31:51 UTC
"Sorry if you're not into the smell of nicotine, but I'm told you stop noticing it if you hang around me long enough." His tone was light to match the amused grin on his face. He was in a good mood but he wasn't about to give up smoking because his smell offends someone's sensitive nose. "Nah, no real explosion. But she did have to buy me cigarettes for the rest of the month."

He rounded the corner to the next aisle and looked down it. It was all pet supplies. He decided to give the store the benefit of the doubt and swore in his head if what they're looking for ends up being in that aisle, he's going to have a very interesting meeting with the owner. "There were weeks when I wasn't even paid! The guy was a low life, but I got by okay."


visionblessing November 12 2010, 21:21:19 UTC
Oh? Another smirk. "So long as the smell of your cigarettes does not... infect my hair, then I doubt there would be a problem." It was little concern to her, after all, what the aesthetic appeal of others might be. Her own standards were quite another thing entirely ( ... )


flamingun November 13 2010, 02:20:12 UTC
"I've found steady work since arriving. You'd be survived the kinds of things people hire me to do." Stalking, information exchange, all things he's well versed in. And it's not really about the pay-though that's nice to-it's just that being a freelance PI was what his brother taught him. It's what he knows.

He glanced over to look at what she had in her hand. Upon closer inspection he sees that it is indeed hair conditioner, but not a brand he's ever heard of. He smirked. "Is that supposed to be a threat?" He finds an identical bottle on the shelf next to her and grabs it for himself. "I try not to test my luck, so believe me when I say it's what we're looking for. But I make no promises on how well it actually conditions."


visionblessing November 13 2010, 07:56:32 UTC
"Surprised? That's almost an intriguing statement, Badou." And rather than almost, it really was interesting - it was something to consider, the engagements devised by those of other worlds. "Nothing scandalous, I hope ( ... )


flamingun November 14 2010, 01:20:49 UTC
"The more scandalous the better actually. Well, better for me that is." Her talk of God reminded him of Bishop. The guy had to be the worst priest ever but he did make for a good information broker.

He laughed and brushed some hair over his shoulder. "Now why would I want to go around smelling like flowers? Heine would never let me hear the end of it."


visionblessing November 14 2010, 10:54:03 UTC
Her head tilted to the side, just slightly. On some, such expressions were gormless, but Galatea was aware of just how to tilt her head for maximum aesthetic appeal. (Irrelevant, perhaps. A former matter of great import for her, though - even now, to some extent, for all that her pride had softened.) "I'm intrigued. You profit from the downfall of others?" From another, the words would sound more judgmental. She, however, sounded amused. "Singular, Badou."

At that, another smile. "Heine is perhaps a person less qualified to inform you what scents are most likely to benefit. Especially," she added, with a distinctly amused note beneath her serenity, "considering what long established friends you and I now are."


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