(no subject)

Nov 01, 2010 21:01

Who: Zack Fair i_love_squats and Heine Rammsteiner stray_gunner, Open
When: Today
Where: Foxhole
Format: Paragraph
What: Zack’s drinking and confused, while Heine’s pointing and laughing. Yeaaaah. Something.
Warnings: Probably not, but it all depends on how much Zack is allowed to drink.

Everything from Zack’s missing days was a haze, a fog he couldn’t see through, and amid it all there had been puzzle pieces and hints. He could piece together some things, sure, but how much was left blank still bothered him, nagged and gnawed at the edge of his consciousness. He thought about talking to a few folks, trying to pool it all together and find out more, but he wasn’t sure that this should be his most pressing issue.

At least, it didn’t feel like it should be. Not deep in his heart. Everyone seemed to be moving on well enough, no one seemed to be hurt, Gil and Minato were still there and the house was in one piece. All seemed okay enough for government work, and he could let that go for now.

Instead, it was Before that called out to him, bit and nibbled at the edge of his conscience. Cleaning the Buster Sword. The crunch of ribs. The fading look in green cat-eyes. The things he couldn’t get rid of, get out of his mind. It all haunted him like a ghost, and all because-

All because-

Zack shook his head and raised his hand for another beer, only his second, and he was pacing well. He’d probably stop at three and then walk down to Dismas. Or the docks. Somewhere quiet to think more.

Unless someone interrupted him beforehand, that was. And in a place like this, he wouldn’t be surprised if someone did.

heine rammsteiner, zack fair

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