Who: Cara (
rahl_loyalist ) and Heine (
stray_gunner )
When: Backdated to the night of October 8th.
Where: the Hunting Grounds!
Format: Starting with paragraph, but I'm pretty flexible.
What: A chance meeting in the hunting grounds between two people with issues.
Warnings: tbd, probably language.
I don't care if it hurts, I want to have control. )
The note he'd left mention searching the Mist. She'd found Cloud's tracks easily enough, and didn't hesitate in following them. While she hadn't cared about the recent events, not enough to form any level of concern, Cara had noticed the increasing number of disappearances. She doubted that Cloud was one of them, but something nudged at the back of her mind.
Making her way through the hunting grounds, the sound of something moving up ahead caught her attention. She couldn't yet see who it was, but that hardly stopped her from heading through the branches and bushes until the other came into sight.
Cara wouldn't admit that there was a part of her that wished it was Cloud on the other side, yet as the other came into sight, it was obvious that it wouldn't be the case. Well, that was a complete waste of her time - unless this one held any information regarding Cloud's whereabouts.
The Mord Sith stopped once clearing the branches, and with a clearly unimpressed expression, she bluntly said, "Have you seen a blonde man with a large sword come by here?"
Heine shifted slightly, distinctly aware of the night chill, especially within the hunting grounds. Starting slightly as the sounds of someone clearing brush started from one side of the clearing, he stared warily in the direction the sounds were coming from.
"No," he answered shortly. Not now. Not when the Dog was whispering something even less useful than usual, shit like doesn't she remind you of someone?
No, he thought, and tried to unclench his fingers from around the edge of the rock.
"Hn, you will call me if you see any signs of the one I seek," Cara ordered before taking a few steps towards the male. Dealing with people on a social level had never been one of her specialties, and it was a talent she lacked even more while on a mission. "Have I made myself clear?"
"You're a bit demanding, aren't you?" he asked rhetorically, leaning on his arm as he spoke. "I haven't seen him, and I doubt I will."
"One can hardly get what the answer they seek being weak," Cara said while cautiously regarding the other. Gaze narrowing ever-so-slightly, she asked, "And if you did?"
Well. He had, admittedly, but not anymore, at least.
"Yeah, I got it. I'll tell you." There's a hint of a sneer in his expression, however, and a tenseness to his position that isn't quite as docile as his words.
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