
Oct 03, 2010 14:56

Who: Dawn girl_unlocking, Sakura sucker_punches, (?) Utena princely_calyx and ...Sephiroth givesdespair! (Maybe others?)
When: The evening of October 2, just after this post.
Where: The clinic.
Format: Paragraph for me, but it's mutable!
What: Dawn & Utena(?) head to the clinic to have their gray splotchiness looked at. Dawn tells Sakura something she never meant to. Sephiroth shows up later when Dawn won't stay in bed. Hijinks ensue? Okay, maybe not the hijinks part.
Warnings: Angst? Geostigma!

By the time she's reached the clinic, it's a little difficult for her to stand. Her legs are heavy - from the walk, of course - and her head's full of heat and fog and sticky gray cobwebs.

But Dawn makes it through the doorway, pauses just past it, leaning there against the wall. She feels like she could ...sleep. Right here. For days. For a moment she's so tired she's not even scared anymore. But the moment's just a moment, and like all moments - it passes. Fear colors her voice as she calls out.

"S-Sakura? It's Dawn?"

And turning around to look behind her, "Utena?"

[ooc: Utena? Jump in if you want!]

sephiroth, utena tenjo, heine rammsteiner, sakura haruno, dawn summers

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