[Open] Junpei Iori Vs. The Tentacle Monster.

Sep 28, 2010 14:07

Who: Anyone fighting the tentacle monster, including/especially Junpei Iori.
When: Before, during, and after this.
Where: The docks.
Format: Anything!
What: Junpei shows up to fight, and shoots himself in the head.
Warnings: Junpei shoots himself in the head. Mild language.

Junpei Iori, having taken it upon himself to patrol bits of town each night in the hopes of finding his friends, or any signs of the Shadows from his world, was heading toward the docks when a pair of oozing tentacles appeared and crashed into a small building not far away.

Without hesitating, Junpei leaped toward one of the tentacles and hacked at it with his katana. Its wounds oozed, but it didn't seem to have much effect. "Damn, I couldn't finish it off." The tentacle continued to slap and maul at the building. Soon, a couple of men and a young woman ran from the building as it began to crumble around them.

Again, Junpei swung fiercely, beating the tentacle with his katana as if it were a baseball bat, to no avail. "That one just won't die!"

After peering into the wrecked building, checking for injured people and seeing none, Junpei ducked into an alley. He flipped on his forge to hear the chaos of others dealing with the same problem all around. Informing others that he was on his way, Junpei headed for the docks.

Arriving at the docks, it was obvious there was an epic battle underway. Many odd-looking characters who obviously had powers similar to his own were wrestling, shooting, blasting, ripping, slicing, and generally having a tough time keeping the tentacles at bay. "Finally, something I can sink my teeth into! Well, not literally, that would be gross. But I sure could go for some takoyaki right now!" Junpei was rambling to himself. "Ugh, remind me not to fight on an empty stomach."

He ran at a nearby tentacle and sliced at it with his katana a few times. It didn't do much. The tentacle reared back and slapped Junpei across the chest, knocking him onto his butt. "Oof! Shit, that hurt!" He stood, rubbed his rump for a moment, then approached the tentacle swinging.

Junpei didn't see the tentacle behind him, the one that swept at his legs and sent him crashing onto his knees. "Ahh!" a sharp cry of pain. His katana went skittering out of reach. Junpei barely managed to avoid a blow to the head as he scrambled just out of range of the tentacles.

"Dammit! Guess I gotta pull out the big guns." He stood. His knees ached terribly. He reached to a holster on his hip and pulled out what appeared to be a pistol. Raising the gun to his head, he let out a cry. "Hermes!" Junpei squeezed the trigger and a blast exploded through his temple.

In front of Junpei, who seemed completely unfazed by a self-inflicted gunshot to the head, appeared a tall black-and-brass metallic humanoid. Junpei pointed at the tentacles. "Fry those suckers! Use Agi!" The creature straightened, and the tentacles before it burst into flame, writhing, withering as they were burnt black. "Kill Rush!" Junpei ordered. Hermes slammed into the charred tentacles. Once, twice. Five to six feet of each tentacle crumbled into ash and the charred stumps retreated from the area. Junpei pumped his fist in the air. "Yeah! I got 'em! Who's the man?!"

Five more tentacles moved in to replace the ones Junpei defeated. "Aww, man!"

(OOC: I'm leaving this open for anyone who wants to just jump in with some battle-with-tentacles action. Junpei's here, but technically anyone else fighting the monster at the docks is, too. ;))

junpei iori

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