[Closed] rewriting chemistry

Sep 21, 2010 19:48

Who: Sasori (eternalscorpion ) and Deidara (transient_art )
When: Evening.
Where: Sasori's apartment
Format: Paragraph
What: The rent is paid! Time to celebrate.
Warnings: Language at least.

It's been a strange few days. Deidara doesn't quite know how to describe them, and he doesn't even try, not even in his private conversations with himself. It's a thing of development, he figures, life to be lived and perhaps some day he'll know what the hell is going on.

Right now he's content spying Sasori, relearning his body language and habits from another point of view. As a person closer to him than before. It's a tedious job, one which Deidara excels in, but rarely bothers with. However, the situation is new, watching and learning for purposes other than possible death and destruction. It is the first time he has ever shared something like this with anyone, a growing sensation of something... more.

Today he paid the rent for the first time as well, another mark of stability that should have driven him mad out of annoyance. All he feels is deep satisfaction for his accomplishment.

Sasori mentioned alcohol before Deidara disappeared into the bathroom. He was slightly surprised but careful not to show it. Celebrating isn't exactly a tradition for the two of them. But nothing Deidara would refuse, not by a long shot. His soak in the tub could have been longer, but in all honesty, he is curious to see what Sasori was talking about and only after a brief bath, he emerges from the bathroom with towel wrapped around his shoulders, wearing only a pair of loose pants that he tends to take to bed with him nowadays.

"Danna?" he asks as he walks across the kitchen toward the living room, yanking a brush through his hair as he goes.

sasori, -incomplete, deidara

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