When the money's gone, will you be my friend on a small rowboat till our ship comes in?

Sep 20, 2010 22:19

Who: fierycourage and thejewelergem
When: 5-ish? The day the bank opens.
Where: Bank, Dismas
Format: [action]
What: Celebrating the opening of the new bank! But the siren song has a few things to say, too . . .
Warnings: Um, boys doing kissy things.

You know what a fine life I give to you . . . will you still love me wherever we fall when the money's gone? )

juudai yuuki, johan andersen

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fierycourage September 21 2010, 02:25:24 UTC
[Juudai approaches the bank, ready to find out how its first day went. He waves when he sees Johan.] Hey! How'd it go today?


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 02:31:16 UTC
[Johan jumps. He thought that door was locked . . . he'll have to be careful with that in future.] Hey! [And, hey. As long as he's here. Have a huge grin, Jyuudai.] Pretty good, I think. I've got a pretty good feeling about it, anyway. I mean really good. I think it's really going to go somewhere.


fierycourage September 21 2010, 02:33:28 UTC
[He grins back.] That's great! See, you were all worried over nothing!


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 02:41:59 UTC
Yeah, maybe. [He puts the papers on the desk carefully into a desk drawer.] Want to go for dinner or something to celebrate? My treat.


fierycourage September 21 2010, 02:43:13 UTC
Sure! [He's always up for food.] Where do you want to go?


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 02:48:47 UTC
. . . . . [Oh, why not. He's in the mood for it.] There's this place in Dismas that has really good food, if you're willing to go through the shady part of town. I haven't been there in awhile.


fierycourage September 21 2010, 02:57:30 UTC
I'm up for it! I haven't been to Dismas yet.


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 03:09:57 UTC
It's a good place to stay out of most of the time, but you can't beat the venison at this place. [He locks the front door, then throws an arm around Jyuudai's shoulders.] Shall we?


fierycourage September 21 2010, 03:24:39 UTC
Really? Let's go, then! [Hearing about how good the food is makes him excited to go to Dismas. When Johan puts his arm around Juudai's shoulder, he thinks nothing of it and he tries to drag Johan faster in the direction that he remembers Dismas being in from studying the map.]


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 03:28:03 UTC
[Johan just laughs and lets himself be led, at least until they get to the stairs.] Be careful. Any powers you've got won't work here.


fierycourage September 21 2010, 03:30:23 UTC
[Juudai stops.] Really? ... Is there a reason for that?


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 03:39:00 UTC
Yeah. Apparently whatever it is in the mist that gives you powers only works in sunlight, and Dismas is underground. [He sort of gives Jyuudai's shoulders a squeeze.] It freaked me out the first time I came down here, but I've . . . kind of gotten used to it.


fierycourage September 21 2010, 03:41:37 UTC
Hmmm... [He's silent for a moment.] Well, I'm still not sure how to use my powers yet anyway, so I'll be fine with that! [He starts to drag Johan again, this time down the stairs.]


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 03:44:14 UTC
Whoa, slow down! [He's laughing.] It'll still be there if we get there thirty seconds later. Turn left down here. And don't stare too hard at anybody who looks kind of naked.


fierycourage September 21 2010, 03:46:14 UTC
Yeah, but I want to get there sooner! [He slows down to a walk anyway.] Why would there be people here that are naked?


thejewelergem September 21 2010, 04:03:25 UTC
Because this is where all the brothels in town are and people are kind of casual about nudity. Maybe not this time of year, but . . . yeah. Maybe.

This way. [Leading~]


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