and to all the destruction in man and to all the corruption in my hand (closed)

Sep 11, 2010 17:56

Who: suicide_tryst, sandrocker
What: Quatre has been neglectful of himself, and Izaya creeps out of 'concern.' Watch how no one is shocked.
When: September 9th, noonish
Where: ...places
Format: action
Warnings: n/a

[see Quatre. see Quatre mope. mope, Quatre, mope!

no, he doesn't need much more encouragement. he has spent virtually all of his time in his room with only Lucrezia to keep him company while alternating his time between sleeping, writing in his notebook, and bathing. ...mostly, he's slept or pretended to. either his head is too busy with thoughts (that haven't all been his), or he's too exhausted to think.

currently, though, he's laying in bed with Lucrezia's head over his neck and his back to his Forge. (he hasn't checked it in a few days.) won't someone think of the tiny terrorist?]

izaya orihara, quatre raberba winner

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