
Sep 06, 2010 19:10

Who: Angeal Hewley (valdecet), Cloud Strife (mirageof-deceit), and Zack Fair (i_love_squats)
Where: Zack & Angeal's apartment
Format: Paragraph, past tense
What: SOLDIER dinner! Angeal is stuck being a potential baby-sitter to Zack and Cloud and they have conversations about the issues of Anatole.
Warnings: Childishness?

He had been invited over for dinner several times by Angeal, but he had never been able to make it in time. There were other matters that needed his attention, or he was out in the Mist at the time and hadn't been able to cast off what he had previously been doing. He felt bad, since he had never actually formally met Angeal and had no idea what to make of Zack's mentor or the friendliness extended to him.

Angeal was a mystery to him. His memories of that time were filled with large holes, and he didn't even remember the name when presented to him. At one time, he could name every First Class and most of the Seconds, but now... he couldn't even put a name with a face with most of them. They were probably all dead by now, some of them by his hand no doubt. He had a voice to go by and an image from the network to go by... and now he was going to be at dinner with two real SOLDIERs. He hoped that there wouldn't be an war story exchanges, since he didn't have any... he wasn't SOLDIER formally.

Approaching, he decided that it was best to use the conventional door to enter the apartment instead of the window like he normally did. He walked down the hallway towards Zack's doorway, having to tilt his body slightly so that Ultima Weapon didn't scratch into the walls. The blade hummed low from inactivity, but its power still was felt against his back as he raised a hand and knocked on the door.

He stepped back a safe distance in case his friend was thinking of pranking him right off the get-go. Their previous sparring matches had descended into rolling around after all, and he was pretty certain his friend was still looking for a definite win over him. Best to be prepared and not give Zack the opportunity to knock him down.

Besides, this was supposed to be dinner. Zack would behave in front of Angeal, right? Wait, did having a senior officer apply to him anymore? He contemplated as he waited for the door to open.

cloud strife, angeal hewley, zack fair

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