001 audio

Jan 24, 2010 00:41

This really isn't my idea of an ideal vacation. I'd take sitting in that car over this --

[ she stops herself ]

Do these . . . [ and she stops again, because she's not sure what she's supposed to be saying, or what she's even supposed to be doing ] things happen often, around here ( Read more... )

ino yamanaka, desmond miles, damon salvatore, !elena gilbert, leon scott kennedy, sasori

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Comments 38

voice. bloodthirsted January 24 2010, 07:09:59 UTC
For a city of this size? I wouldn't be surprised.

[ Well. A pause, and then he's laughing -- it's a friendly kind of laughter. Nice, even. ]

I suppose I can forgive you, for being so cold.


voice. accentors January 24 2010, 07:14:29 UTC
[ god, you're such an ass.

it's a bit before she replies, because sometimes talking to you is more trouble than it's worth. ]

I was -- upset.


voice. bloodthirsted January 24 2010, 07:20:21 UTC
You were.

[ Brief pause, and can you hear that sincerity, Elena bb? You aren't imagining it! ]

How're you feeling now, then?


voice. accentors January 24 2010, 07:23:28 UTC
[ she laughs at that, quick, short, a little forced ]

Confused? Things like this aren't supposed to happen.


voice. mnemotechnics January 24 2010, 08:46:01 UTC
Out to the ruins -- they do that, here.

Not really that often, you just picked a bad time to come by.


voice. accentors January 24 2010, 08:49:08 UTC
Yeah, I can tell.

What's out there, then?


[Voice|Private] prettiestflower January 24 2010, 10:37:08 UTC
Vervain... I haven't seen it anywhere. But I haven't been looking soooo... What do you need it for? I could probably go looking for some if you really need it.


[Voice|Private] accentors January 24 2010, 11:44:33 UTC
I'd really appreciate it. Thank you -- ? [ and she trails off, because orz. she doesn't know her name. ]

I need it for [ PAUSE. oh well, here goes. ] protection.


[Voice|Private] prettiestflower January 24 2010, 12:02:29 UTC
Ino! And you are..?

...You think vervain will protect you here? That's a bit stupid. I'm pretty sure whatever it is that's killing us off isn't going to be stopped by a crown of vervain around your head. No offense.

Still, I'll see what I can do. If there's anyone here capable of finding a plant for you, it's me~!


[Voice|Private] accentors January 24 2010, 12:37:36 UTC

-- Yeah. Uh. You're probably right, but. Still. I'd feel safer with it.



[Voice|Private] eternalscorpion January 24 2010, 13:33:30 UTC

[Considers for a moment.]

The climate here seems appropriate. If it grows here, you'd likely find it in open areas, in the ruins.

What would you use it for?

[Admittedly it's not one Sasori's experimented with very much when it comes to poison mixtures, but perhaps she knows of a use of possible interest to him regardless.]


[Voice|Private] accentors January 25 2010, 05:24:35 UTC
[ she pauses at his question ]

I'm not even sure if it'll work the same here.


[Voice|Private] eternalscorpion January 25 2010, 16:21:50 UTC
[He bites back a sigh, forcing down his irritation. A straight answer to a clear and direct question was obviously too much for him to hope for.]

...I suppose that's possible. It does seem that there are some things that don't work the same here as they do elsewhere.

Perhaps if you describe what you normally use vervain for I can help you determine whether or not it would still be effective. I do have a bit of general knowledge in this area, although my interests usually tend towards the more specialized.


[audio] cop_for_one_day January 24 2010, 21:31:44 UTC
This is the third murder since December. The natives take the body out to the ruins. Bosco and I are trying to find it now.


[audio] accentors January 25 2010, 05:21:45 UTC
Since December? [ o god, december was only just last month ] I'm sorry. I hope you figure it out.


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