[Kotetsu is standing in the middle of a room that is very much not the car showroom in which he and Barnaby were just arguing about damage fines, and he looks
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[...Finally, his expression softens a little, the corners of his mouth shifting into a small smile.]
I'm...well, I guess I'm as lost as anyone would be, waking up in a new city.
But no worries, this old man's good at adjusting.
[Chuckling a little--strained--but even in a situation like this, Kotetsu is still Kotetsu, and he can't bear to have anyone (not least of which, a little girl), worry about him.]
[...Just. Give him a moment to chuckle to himself, Miata. It's been kind of a while since he's heard that from anyone else. And he's not even that old in general, but he is old for a Hero, and he knows it. But it's nice, anyway. He smiles.]
Heh. Not used to hearing that one, back home.
...Aa, it's nice of you to offer, but. [He shakes his head, a determined look on his face. He has to get home. He has to.]
I've already got a job that I need to get back to.
[And maybe he doesn't have much power left, isn't much use in the sorts of things he used to do, but it doesn't mean he should stop trying. As he'd told Bunny before coming here, it didn't hurt to have an uncool hero.]
[She just has to sigh, and shake her head. These new people...they never understood, did they? But didn't she act like that the first time, and cried? At least when Jack found her.]
You can't. The Door is broken.
Tried it. It...didn't work. So. You can see my sword, I see your suit. Yes?
Who is that.
[Not giving details yet.]
Who are you?
Nice to meet you, Miata.
[Even if nothing about this situation is 'nice'.]
You too. Want help? Look lost.
[She'd offered food, if she knew what a comfort it was. Or booze.]
I'm...well, I guess I'm as lost as anyone would be, waking up in a new city.
But no worries, this old man's good at adjusting.
[Chuckling a little--strained--but even in a situation like this, Kotetsu is still Kotetsu, and he can't bear to have anyone (not least of which, a little girl), worry about him.]
[She tilts her head from one side, to the other, looking rather puzzled. What was going on with that.]
Need work? Place to sleep?
Heh. Not used to hearing that one, back home.
...Aa, it's nice of you to offer, but. [He shakes his head, a determined look on his face. He has to get home. He has to.]
I've already got a job that I need to get back to.
[And maybe he doesn't have much power left, isn't much use in the sorts of things he used to do, but it doesn't mean he should stop trying. As he'd told Bunny before coming here, it didn't hurt to have an uncool hero.]
You can't. The Door is broken.
Tried it. It...didn't work. So. You can see my sword, I see your suit. Yes?
Your...what? [Sorry Miata, your stilted speech patterns are a bit difficult to navigate after awhile.]
And...hnnnn. Your armor. Can see it?
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