✺ Broadcast Mind 01 ✺

Dec 16, 2011 16:21

At first, what you can see is fairly faded, unclear. The view starts getting sharper, more focused, and what is shown is a garden of sorts, with a fountain and a pool. The Water Gardens in the palace, of course.

Oberyn looks slightly younger, and he is holding a nearly newborn Loreza Sand, while his paramour Ellaria Sand holds Dorea Sand. His daughters are all playing with each other, laughing and screaming in delight as they play silly games of tag, splashing water at each other all the while. Today, Sarella Sand had come to visit, bearing small trinkets from across the Narrow Sea for her half-sisters.

"It is good to see you, my daughter," Oberyn says to her. "Still playing games, are we?" he asks with a wicked grin.

She grins back fiercely. Like all the Sand Snakes, she bears Oberyn's nose. "Now what could make you think such things, father?"

Oberyn shakes his head. Young, so very young, but a smart woman. She is like her mother as well. The image begins to fade and the last that can be heard is childish laughter dying away in the distance.

giovanni auditore, !oberyn martell, robb stark

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