{ 018 - Video }

Dec 03, 2011 15:22

The first snows of the season.

[Isley is standing out back of his home, between his property and the stretch of land that is the newly whitewashed Hunting Grounds.]

Were it up to me, I would never see the snow melt. [Holding out his hand, white flurries settle upon Isley's skin. They soon turn from fat flakes and into beads of cool water that trickle off the edge of his palm.] Still, it is most appropriate.

The snow heralds the gathering of Northerners beneath one roof. Some might call it a good omen. That is, if you are wont to believe in such superstition.

[His white-silver direwolf pads to his side, maw bloody from having freshly fed, steam coming in wisps from his chops. Isley's hand drops to the wolf's head and scratches between his ears.]

I am going to hunt, but I will be back this evening.

Eddard Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow...I trust you three will meet me for dinner as planned? I look forward to receiving you.

You're welcome to join us this evening, although I'm afraid your favorite won't be on the menu.

There is something else as well...

Is it fully functional yet? I want to take Priscilla to see it.


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