Retrace 14 || [Voice]

Dec 01, 2011 21:36

Greeeetings again, Anatole! ♥ Or shall I say, Anatole and Wynn? Anatole and surrounding territories? The Sphere? Hmmm. So many names, so little time...

It seems we've gotten quite a few new residents recently! It's very strange, all that silence from the "other side" and then all of a sudden the Door just couldn't bring in enough people. I would have loved to greet every single one of you, but that would have been tedious and time-consuming. So~! Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Xerxes Break! As Priscilla-san mentioned in her extensive overview of the cities, thanks, Priscilla-san! Ahem, anyway, I run a humble little detective agency here in Anatole proper. We're in the process of expanding our business practices to Wynn island, so don't think we're out of your area! We're also hiring! We're always hiring. If you're looking for a job and have any - repeat, any relevant skills, come have a gander! Or, if you need our services, even better! ... Because we need money. Eheheheh.


Of course, if you've lost someone, sometimes they just can't be found. I'm sure everyone who's been here more than a month has had someone they know just vanish without a trace from this city, and no amount of searching can find them. That's the nature of the beast, as they say. ... Is that something they say? But! We'll try our very best, of course.


So! This date auction. Do you think I should sign up? Last time I went on this "date" thing, I ended up with a verrry good employee!

[...Who happens to have disappeared, as well. Break feels like he's lost more people than he's found here, all of a sudden.]

Well. I'll think about it.

miata, nathan drake, !xerxes break, lust, claudia auditore da firenze, trevor belmont

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