{ 017 - Video }

Nov 26, 2011 22:02

The fog rose and a dragon came.

[Isley's voice accompanies the gentle click of his Forge as he turns it on, the gears humming internally, a soft whir of noise that is barely audible against the brush of wind across the speakers. The sword he normally carries at his hip is driven into the earth; he rests his back against the blade and in his lap he holds a book.]

[Behind him looms the Door.]

Hysteria overwhelmed the citizens next. It came again with the fog, that thing we call the Mist, and with hysteria came our fears awakened.

Afterward there were dreams. Murders. The sun did not rise, and the winter nights grew colder. Longer. Fierce. A storm was hatched, wrecking havoc upon Anatole. [He turns the page, which appears to be filled with endless notes, the margins marked several times over.] Anonymous gifts were sent out to people. How lucky they were to receive a shred of light during such a dark time. Darkness cannot last, and neither can storms. With the sound of children's laughter echoing on the winds, the blizzard receded and the sun rose once more. Warmth returned, melting the ice that had begun to encase the world.

Then came the first carnival. [Isley's golden eyes regard the Forge briefly.] I am told it was quite the experience. Did you find yourselves entertained?

[His gaze drops to the book again, and another page is turned.]

Another murder, followed by one more still. Then creatures from our own worlds began to make an appearance. More visions, terrible ones of our worlds polluted by the Mist. It seems the fog likes to play with our heads...and so, it brought us trinkets from home following those visions. A way to remind us, "I can reach beyond, but you can never go home."

[Another page is turned over. Isley adopts a frost-bitten smile.]

Another Scorched is found dead. [His fingers trace the name written in his book. A pity it's too far away from the Forge to be clearly read.] So reckless. Always so reckless.

Not long after came the birds. They brought with them a sickness that infected the Scorched, their eggs used as weapons against us by the Natives. How creative.

Did you touch the sky...? The festival of the same name was erected in the heart of the city. Reduced inhibition seemed to follow closely at its heels, and following that...what do you know. More bloodshed. Writing on the wall. More death. Scribbling on the wall.

[The next page is turned more sharply. The paper crinkles in objection, but falls subserviently over in the end.]

There are suspects for the murders at last, three to be exact. A man named Gerald Gaskin is convicted. With the owner of A Touch of Sky under arrest, the festival is shut down. It would seem there are dire consequences for those of you that let your guard down.

Theft of our personal belongings was next. Their return wasn't reported to have taken long, but the circumstances were most peculiar. The culprits were small dolls. Be wary, I suppose, of all things with hands that can reach. Then the Mist brought on a siege of monsters...and echoing footsteps. Those reported to have followed the sound of those footsteps found themselves before a decrepit mansion shrouded by fog.

The Caretaker's Journal was then uncovered. [His expression turns curious.] How many of you have glimpsed its contents? It was the first true insight into the pair known as the Twins we were given.

Labyrinthine walls of Mist rose throughout Anatole thereafter, each turn wrought with its own peril. Shambling bodies of undead came, along with the steamship known as The Victoria. Recognize her name? She still sits in the city's docks. Milena Roew makes her appearance with the Tunnelmen. They bring with them exceptional, if unusual contraptions, some of which are still purchasable in Dismas.

[As Isley turns the next page a frown touches his lips.]

People found themselves transferred back to the time of their youth. The end of spring came next, and then the end of summer. [His frown turns into a vaguely wicked smile.] The siren. How many of you remember that incident? I was newly arrived at the time, but the memory is...a fond one. I believe it was the first time that I was able to stretch my legs. Whatever happened to the sea monster that it turned out to be? I wonder if it will return. At least we know now that Anatole is a self-repairing city should it see the same sort of damage it did during that attack.

Scorched began changing thereafter. It seemed they were disappearing and arriving again from...alternate realities. It did not last long, but it was a most enlightening experience. More storms. The first recorded incident of the broadcasted dreams. The Twins' invite shows up on doorsteps, welcoming people into their home. Who here attended? Was it an eerie experience as I've heard? No matter.

A wolf hunt. A reward. More blood writing on the wall. Relevant...the arrival of baskets stocked full of food and drink.

The rat people... [A thoughtful hum. Isley recalls who was present during that event.] I never did care for rats or vermin. Good riddance.

Winter. The first snow. [Under his breath...] It will be that time again soon, too. [The page turns, and with it, Isley's eyes raise once more.] The darkness returned for a stretch of some days. Best prepare for that, and all the things that hunt in the dark.

The carnival returned...I did not attend. People soon after found themselves incapable of lying, wrestling with inanimate objects come to life. The Twins make another appearance. The excavation in the Ruins takes place. Hearts were affected by...some spell or another after that. [That was the time he had found himself briefly taken with Helen. He shakes his head to dismiss the thought, turns another page...]

The excavation heralds some found goods. Bits and pieces of Anatole's history are revealed. Shades attack the living. A child named Ivy Rose goes missing. Her body turns up in Iteru, the source of our drinking water. [There's a smile that almost makes it to his face, but not quite.] More dreams. A Tunnelman shows up dead, followed by a second. Things we need soon turn toxic to us. Those poisoned begin to drop. The witch queen makes an appearance. The citizens are required to band together once more to defeat her. In the end...it is always up to us, but that doesn't stop the Natives from pointing their fingers, does it?

[Turning his gaze now skyward, Isley reflects in silence upon the Door. It shimmers behind him, but otherwise...does nothing.]

Creatures called pixies assaulted us next, but they were trivial in comparison to the insinuating accusations of one of the Natives. They became more hostile, as if we couldn't have wiped them out...and after that, people found themselves young once more. Then came the invasion of Red Elves, and following that, the first glimmer of respect the Natives ever gave us. Strange and overwhelming feelings consume the Scorched. The fireflies come.

[The final page is turned.]

The lighthouse glows on the coast of Anatole. The dragon returns, and a ship comes from out there, across the water. The island of Wynn is revealed to us...along with the Gate, and inside it, the Chamber also known as Erebos.

Sightings of a headless man, another basket full of food and drink...that's this one, the one you've all found yourselves in possession of...and we are up to date.

[Isley closes the book on his lap with a snap. Rising, he draws his sword out of the earth, dirt sliding easily off the pristine blade. Only then does he sheath it, pick up his Forge, and fix his audience with a toxic smile.]

Welcome to Anatole-that is just a taste of things to come.

the trickster, medicine seller, priscilla, ginko, !isley, miata, locke cole, bernkastel, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, eddard "ned" stark, lelouch vi britannia

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