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[ video ] heartbetween November 25 2011, 22:37:08 UTC
[There are a couple of reactions here, when he sees that face on the screen.

The first is of relief. It'll be good for Ukitake, to have his best friend here, and he could definitely use another friendly face while he's recovering.

The second is...more like dread. Because he's reminded by this arrival, by every arrival of a shinigami, that he is to die in his world. And he needs to explain why he's alive in this one. Even if he hasn't died yet.

And sometimes he wonders, if Kyouraku resents him for hurting Ukitake with his death, just as Byakuya resents him on Rukia's behalf.

But he can't hide from it forever, can he? And he shouldn't leave it to Ukitake to explain when he's unwell.

Kaien himself looks worn out when he responds, but for a different reason altogether. He's not been sleeping well since Ukitake, and then Hotaru, both took ill, visiting them both as he could between work (Although he had to admit prioritizing Ukitake), and his clothes and hair are mussed from the times he's fallen asleep in inopportune places such as the clinic floor.]

Kyouraku-taichou. Welcome to Anatole.


I'm not dead. Or, I wasn't, when I got here. We don't know how it's possible for people to come here from different times, but it is. I've been here almost two years.


[ video ] pinkflowergod November 25 2011, 23:03:33 UTC
[There's a small widening of the eyes as he sees that familiar face in the screen. Shiba Kaien, a man who had been like a son and more to Ukitake. His death had been devastating, not only to his friend, but to Thirteenth as a whole. To this day, Ukitake still hadn't appointed a new fukutaichou, although perhaps someday Rukia would be ready to take the role.

What Kyouraku felt towards Kaien was...complicated. Kaien had been a good friend, a good drinking partner. He'd been good for Thirteenth as a whole; Rukia was far from the only division member he'd pulled out of his shell. They'd been a spectacular team, as he and Nanao were a team--and as he and Lisa had been a team. So, even after everything that happened, he couldn't hate Kaien, or even fully resent him. But still, he believed that Kaien had done something wrong, something that hurt not only Ukitake, but Rukia.

Ukitake was an idealist, which was what Kyouraku both admired and disliked most about his best friend. But Kaien should have known better. He should have put his duty as a fukutaichou before his pride. And worse, it hadn't just gotten him killed. It had harmed one of his subordinates. To get yourself killed for pride was foolish; to hurt a subordinate was unacceptable. However, by his words, and his expression, he suspected Kaien knew all that.

Besides, whatever had happened--or would happen for Kaien--they had more immediate worries. He could see how rumpled Kaien looked, and he suspected he knew the cause.]

I understand, Kaien-kun. Well perhaps I don't completely understand, but we'll worry about that a bit later on.

Hinamori-chan tells me that Ukitake's in the hospital?


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