Clue #oo1 :.: [Video. Text.]

Nov 23, 2011 11:10

[A thrashing turns on the Forge. The camera jolts to the side and stays there, recording at an odd angle. The room is in one of the non-distinct newcomer apartment units, and on the bed is a young man, struggling to sit up ( Read more... )

kaien shiba, bernkastel, !l lawliet, aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, hades, theon greyjoy

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[Video] swordofthenorth November 24 2011, 00:01:53 UTC
Welcome to Anatole.

[Isley stands before a stone fireplace in what appears to be a lengthy training hall. He is calm and composed, smiling like winter warmed over.]

If you look around your apartment, you should find a cold storage unit stocked with some essential foods.


[text] hunch_ofjustice November 25 2011, 06:15:32 UTC
[How... regal.]

Yes, I'm aware.

[There's just nothing in there he plans on eating.]


[Video] swordofthenorth November 25 2011, 06:20:38 UTC
[Text? Curious...but only just so.]

[It doesn't take Isley by surprise.]

It isn't wise to be wasteful. Or are you suspicious of its origins?

[A brief pause, and then a soft laugh.]

I didn't eat any of it, either.


[Text] hunch_ofjustice November 27 2011, 03:32:49 UTC
[Yeah, he's not going to cater to anyone with his current preferred method of communication. Especially not you.]

Precisely. I would rather save it until I know the situation is dire enough to warrant dipping into a backup supply. At the moment, it doesn't seem to be.

[Also, right now, he'd rather have cake.]


[Video] swordofthenorth November 27 2011, 03:41:55 UTC
Do you expect the food to keep that long?


[text] hunch_ofjustice November 29 2011, 05:50:38 UTC
Why would I do that?


[Video] swordofthenorth November 30 2011, 01:31:47 UTC
If I knew, I wouldn't have asked you.


The food may rot, even in cold storage, before the situation becomes too dire. That is all I meant.


[text] hunch_ofjustice December 2 2011, 03:38:40 UTC
Yes, I know. But at this point it seems food here is plentiful, so I have no need to worry.

Are you interested in taking the surplus off my hands? I didn't think you cared for it, either.


[Video] swordofthenorth December 5 2011, 16:58:49 UTC
[No wonder Light wanted you dead, L. Isley already finds you to be like an annoying little fly.]

I have no interest in your surplus. I'd much rather hunt for my own food, besides.


[text] hunch_ofjustice December 7 2011, 19:33:48 UTC
[The feeling is mutual, dude. You've been giving him Light-vibes from the beginning.]

The city itself seems rather urban to support a habit like that. Where do you hunt?


[Video] swordofthenorth December 8 2011, 05:12:43 UTC
Outside the city, of course. Beyond the eastern edge lies the Hunting Grounds. It is ripe with all kinds of game, from the very small to the very big.

In fact, urban or otherwise, I think it is how all the merchants, Native or otherwise, acquire their meats. It isn't as though there are trade routes coming to us from other cities, after all.

[Give him time, he might give you worse vibes than those.]


[text] hunch_ofjustice December 9 2011, 05:03:23 UTC
No. It doesn't seem like a very large world, all things considered.

[Don't flatter yourself.]


[Video] swordofthenorth December 9 2011, 05:07:35 UTC
I could show you sometime, but you don't strike me as the outdoorsy type.


[text] hunch_ofjustice December 15 2011, 02:13:06 UTC
That won't be necessary. But your offer is kind.

[Subtle sarcasm, engage.]


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